"Hey look there's a contest here. May you should enter" Ash said smiling

"Yeah sis well be with you" Max said nodding

"I've always wanted to see a Pokémon Contest Ash said that they were better than show cases" Bonnie said with sparkles in her eyes

"Ash and Alain can finish the battle up early all three of us will go with you" Paul said to May making her smile

"Alright I will" she said before they all split ways

"Hello I'm here to challenge the gym" Ash said as she pulled her hood up as Pikachu stayed with Alain

"Finally a trainer oh and who's that cutie next to you?" Misty said before Alain's eyes just hardened

"I'm not interested" he said before pulling Ash closer

"Oh really well how about your girlfriend battle for you if I win he goes out with me" Misty said arrogantly

"And if I win you give me your Psyduck" Ash said remembering that poor abused pokemon

"What how did you know about that pathetic thing!" she demanded

"A friend of mine told me" she said before heading towards the platform "You gonna battle or what"

"You're on you arrogant b**ch!" Misty said before getting out her Staryu

"Dedene be a dear" Ash said smiling at the adorable hamster like pokemon who jumped off her shoulder

"For Ash and for Bonnie!" Dedene said in determination

"Let's one shoot TKO all of them" Ash said before Dedene used Discharge and beat Staryu in one shoot

"WHAT IMPOSSIBLE! HOW CAN THAT RAT BEAT MY STARYU!" Misty demanded as she returned her fallen pokemon then releasing her Gyarados

"Dedene come back sweetheart. Now Sceptile Let's go" Ash said and onto the field landed a powerful looking Sceptile with a Mega stone visably shining on his anklet "Sceptile finish this quickly cause I have a contest to watch. Solar beam!"

"Gyarado-" Misty said before getting cut off by her pokemon getting hit by an extremely fast Solar beam

"That's checkmate huh Pikachu?" Alain said to the Pokémon on his shoulder who was holding a camera up

"Sure is!" he said before Alain petted his head

"Now I believe you owe me a badge and a Pokémon" Ash said before Misty threw the badge which Sceptile caught but then she grinned evilly when she got Psyduck's pokeball out

"Here you go" She said before releasing Psyduck into the water knowing that the poor pokemon can't swin then she broke Psyduck's poke all resulting in Psyduck screaming in pain

"No! Charizard get Psyduck out of the water! " Alain said before releasing him starter.

"You got it Alain!" Charizard said before getting Psyduck out of the water then made his way over to his trainer and Ash

"Opsie my mistake" Misty said before they ran towards the pokemon Center but not before leaving her with deadly glares

     Once they got to the Pkemon Center Ash explained everything to Nurse Joy who was absolutely mortified that a gym leader could do that then she went to heal Psyduck

"Damn it!" Ash said as she cried over the severely injured pokemon

"Its not your fault" Alain said as he hugged her

"I can't believe she would do that" Ash said as she clung onto his jacket

"I wasn't expecting it either but luckily Pikachu was recording the Battle and what happened after so we have all the evidence we need" Alain said before a familiar trio came over

"Ash what's wrong? why so glum?" Meowth asked

"Oh Jessie, James, Meowth how are you?" Ash said to the three detectives and ex undercover team rocket members

"Better thanks to you. Now why are you so sad?" James asked in a kind of big brother tone

"Well......" Pikachu said

     After the three everything saying they were angry was an understatement, they left in after the chat with the video hell bent on arresting the girl. Within minutes after Paul, May, Max and Bonnie entered the center and saw them

"Ash, Alain where you two?"Max asked

" Yeah May won over that scary Harley guy, big time!"Bonnie said before Nurse Joy came in and shook her head

" How is Psyduck Nurse Joy? "Ash asked getting out of Alain's arms

" Physically he's stable now but I don't think he can battle for a long while"Nurse Joy said sadly before Ash just shook her head

"I want to see him" Ash said

"Very well" Nurse Joy said before Ash entered Psyduck room and sat by his bed

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Psyduck I should have caught you instead of Misty I should have took you away from her the first time she hit you. I'm so sorry Psyduck" Ash said crying as she said all those words

     Meanwhile outside Alain told everyone what happened even contacting Prof. Sycamore,Prof.Oak,Lillie, Gladion and Aria if they had anything to allow Psyduck to heal faster but so far nothing

"Still nothing on Psyduck?" Meowth asked sadly

"No nothing" Alain said before he just plopped down onto his chair hopelessly

"Alain, Paul and I are gonna take Bonnie and Max to bed well be right back" May said as she carried Max and Paul carried Bonnie

"No, go to sleep I'll stay with Ash" He said before heading towards the Intensive Care unit where Psyduck and Ash were

"She's blaming herself again Alain" Pikachu said as he looked sadly at his trainer while he occupied Alan's left shoulder

"I know Pikachu but she won't listen to me" Alain said calmly but behind that calm voice we're very dangerous emotions

"Maybe we should rest a little to loosing energy and mental capability is not going to be good for us" Meowth said

     The next morning Psyduck was given an ok to leave the pokemon center. After talking to Lana and Lillie Psyduck was transferred over to the Aether Foundation so it could roam freely and it could learn from a true water pokemon master. As for Misty she was charged with pokemon abuse and the gym was given to her sister who were much better at battling now.


Hi Maple here so just so everyone knows I had Ash use her companions' Pokémon because they want revenge over the traitors too and it would help conseal her, May, Max, Paul and Bonnie can't go into the first two gyms because it would be really bad for the traitors. Guys Paul and May are powerful trainers. And finally Jessie, James and Meowth in my story were undercover cops infiltrating team Rocket so they were never criminals. I'm sorry but I just love those three too much, there not like the team rocket grunts in Pokémon Origins

Note:The Pokémon Ash doesn't bring with her are in the Aether Foundation helping as much as they can or in Aria's care in the Kalayaan Region

May has the rest of her pokemon at her dad's green house

Paul leaves his pokemon with his brother

Alain well I really think that Metagross and Charizard are his only truly owned pokemon. I don't know Metagross could have been a gift from Steven like in the games

Max will send his future extra pokemon to his dad while Bonnie will send them to the Aether Foundation just so Clemont can't use them.

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