Jungkook dizziness increased. You see, just like his boyfriend, Taehyung, he was going crazy day by day. He wasn't crying either nor thinking bad thoughts about what could happen to him now. He literally just wanted to die there, on that bed.

About Mr. Byun, he tried to apologise but Jungkook denied it telling him that it won't change a thing and he didn't have to apologise.

'Nah... it's not important I'm gonna die soon anyways so why try?'

Hours passed, Jungkook was not hungry now Mr. Byun brang him good food this time.

'I won't die from starving then... what a shame.'

Jungkook sighed as he rolled his eyes, turning his gaze to the ceiling again from the window. He was just watching how little birds ate whatever they wanted to and flew away freely.

Jungkook wanted to do whatever he wants freely but knew it won't happen, maybe won't soon who knows? He wasn't sure except one thing, and it was of course his death. He literally started having a fucking interest about thinking in which way he was gonna die.

'I can't be serious right?'

He chuckled to himself, he had nothing better to do. So why to judge himself for thinking about something surely gonna happen.

He had no answer for that after awhile he continued on imagining, going into his own world.

"Taehyung? Son? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... i think so... what happend to me?"

"Oh don't worry it doesn't matter anymore, you should be fine."

"For what?"

"For your marriage with HyeHwa of course! Aren't you excited?"

"I... i really don't know how i feel honestly."

"It doesn't matter either, just- rest a bit okay? This Sunday you're going to meet with her then at that night, both of you will become husband and wife, you hear me?"

"Yes father... which day are we in now?"

"It's Tuesday which means we only have five days left. Now you should get some rest, me and your mother will be busy until Sunday."


Taehyung watched as his father left his room, sighing to himself. He missed his friends a lot he felt like he never saw them again after years. He got up from his bed        tip-toeing towards the door which was for his bathroom. He went in front of the big mirror, staring at himself trough it. He looked like a corpse with black circles under his eyes, bruises and cuts here and there on his body especially on his torso- but they weren't hurting him which surprised him a lot.

'How did i get these...?'

Then he went back into his room which was the one in his family's mansion.

〘ENG〙「 All Mine - Taek∞k 」✓Where stories live. Discover now