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Damn i'm excited for the future
although i know what'll happen as the author lol


The two were still sitting on the younger's bed, Jungkook wasn't waiting to hear something like this from Yoongi he didn't know what to say to his sudden confession. Yoongi looked at him for a second then sighed to himself, he tried to get up but felt an hand on his arm stopping him from leaving the room. "Hyung... I'm- i'm sorry i wish i could turn back your feelings but i can't... i just- can't. I'm so sorry-" Yoongi put his index finger on Jungkook's lips cutting him. He smiled at Jungkook but he could tell that Yoongi was upset although knowing were this was going trough his hooded eyes.
"Hey, stop that it's okay. I just wanted to tell you this for you to know and also to get away from this heavy feeling in my chest so forget about it okay? Let's hope Taehyung comes back soon."
Yoongi ruffled after Jungkook nodded at him but he didn't walk out of the room as he saw the sadness in his eyes and the little pout on his lips. Yoongi sighed again rolling his eyes at him, Yoongi pinched Jungkook's cheeks at the same time earning a whine right after. "You're not helping, you know? Just get in your bed and sleep. I'll be going now see you tomorrow... or one day." Yoongi whispered the last part so Jungkook couldn't hear which he didn't and he walked out before making sure the younger was in his bed trying to sleep. He looked back at the figure lying on the bed then walked out after wishing sweet dreams to him.

"Sweet dreams Kookie..."


It was almost midnight as Taehyung made his way to the mansion, don't worry he didn't go to a club or something. He was just annoyed about the events happend  today and walked around by himself, still forgetting to switch on his phone his mind was too cloudy to think straight now.
Taehyung went trough the gate and got in the mansion, seeing no one around he went straight to the upstairs. Taehyung was about to go to his room feeling very dizzy from thinking about the stupid marriage and money shit but stopped on his track as he saw light coming from a room, it was Jungkook's room. Taehyung bit his lips closing his eyes tightly, he wasn't ready to face the younger, to see how he was to learn his reaction to seeing Taehyung now.
But still, Taehyung made his way towards that room he needed to see Jungkook, crying or not he needed to be there with him also the younger had to get an apologise from Taehyung for running away suddenly.
Taehyung saw that the door was slighlty opened which meant that the younger probably left his room to see if Taehyung was somewhere in the mansion but then went back to his room with feeling disappointed by not being able to given company by Taehyung.
Taehyung made his way in front of the door, pressing his palm on the wooden door he pushed it slowly not wanting any crack sound get Jungkook's attention as he saw the younger dozing off on his bed.
He went in and tip-toed next to the younger, Jungkook slightly opened his hooden eyes more to see who was this figure standing near him.
Jungkook blinked several times to adjust the light in his room although it was stiched on long time ago by him. "T-Taehyung? Is that you?" Taehyung sighed and smiled bitterly he grabbed Jungkook's shoulders bringing him towards his body. Jungkook put his face near Taehyung's neck just like what he does every time whenever they pull the other closer. "You're finally back..." Jungkook's mumbled words caused Taehyung to bit on his lips then he realesed his lips and peppered kisses on his forehead and temples. "Yes i am... I'm sorry baby for leaving you without telling you."
"You didn't pick up the phone either..." Jungkook looked up at him pouting, eyes directly staring into the dark brown orbs above him. "Because i switched off my phone and forgot to switch it on back, I'm really sorry please forgive me baby." Jungkook then shifted his place to Taehyung's lap from the bed, getting closer to him.
"Okay i'll forgive you but..."
"But what? I'll do anything to make you forgive me." Jungkook's little smile on his lips turned into a wide grin which was literally reaching to his ears. "...Okay then i want you to cuddle with me until i tell you to stop and kiss me." Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness his forehead pressing on Jungkook's shoulder  as he continued chuckling. He felt fists hitting his shoulders to stop him from laughing, he looked up to see his baby's pout made a return with bringing a blush on his now puffy cheeks. "Stop laughing! It's not funny at all!" "Okay okay i accept your deal, baby." Taehyung, with Jungkook still on his lap pressed his back to the headboard, Taehyung continued placing kisses all over Jungkook's face from where he left, earning little giggles from the boy on his lap. "Am i forgiven now?" Jungkook placed his index finger under his lower lips on his chin, pretending like he was thinking about it. Then he shook his head trying to hide his grin forming on his lips but failed.
"Uh-huh i need to think about it."
Taehyung groaned as he didn't received the answer he wanted to. He made Jungkook lay on his back and got on top of him, now he was looking down at the younger with slightly frowned eyebrows. He heard Jungkook gulping as he became curious about what was going trough Taehyung's mind.
"Well let's hope that this will help you decide quicker." Taehyung moved his hands to the sides of Jungkook's tummy starting to tickle him non-stop. Jungkook gasped at the contact first then started laughing loudly, tears following right after due to the pain forming in his stomach.
"T-Taehyung n-no! S-stop it t-tickles!" Jungkook tried to grab Taehyung's hands but Taehyung didn't let him to do. He grabbed Jungkook's wrists placing them above his head as his other hand continued on tickling the poor boy under him. Soon, Jungkook gave up on his little plan on trying to tease the elder. "O-okay i f-forgive you! P-please my t-tummy h-hurts!"
"Oh god finally i thought you won't say that." Taehyung let go of his wrists and wrapped his arms around his waist, he bent down more and pressed his lips on Jungkook's collarbones eyes closing as he felt Jungkook and himself feeling relaxed.

He felt happy whenever Jungkook was with him, he could say that he was living the life he dreamt about but there was still a problem, a big problem that needed to be solved immediately before it grows bigger.

But for now, Taehyung let that slide and continued on enjoying the moment with his angel...


"Your parents wanted you to meet with them again and also wanted us to come with you too..."


Almost 55K... i really don't know what to say like



I Can't even put the words together all i can say is thank you all so much 💞💞

Also I'm planning on increasing the number of how many words i write to maybe over 2000 or 3000 words because too i have too many things to add into the chapters in my head lol

stay happy please
just like how much you guys make me!

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