Chapter 9

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Needless to say, Emilia doesn't get much sleep that night, or for any night, the rest of the weekend, as she continues to figure herself out. She knows that if she shows up on Monday looking exhausted, then it will be a dead giveaway to anyone that she hasn't been sleeping much again, but she isn't able to stop herself once she starts.

Sure enough, on Monday morning, the first time she yawns, Erika gives her a knowing look, and Walker outright asks, "What was it that kept you up this time?"

"Reading!" she immediately lies, though it isn't a complete lie. At least, she definitely referenced some written content that Erika exposed her to some nights, so in a way, she was up reading, at times. Of course, she expects Erika to call her out on lying, but the other girl, though she continues to give her knowing glances, remains mostly silent.

And Walker just nods and says, "Well, I'm not supposed to encourage that behavior, apparently, but I can't help but say, good job! To lose yourself in the world of fiction for a night is the first step toward becoming one of us! But, I guess if you hang out with us all the time, you're already one of us, so no rush, okay?"

"Alright," she replies with a smile, touched by his odd words. She's never had friends this close before, and, though the two of them are incredibly odd, in their own ways, so is she in hers, and it feels so nice to be included, even if they are different. Plus, Walker always offers such perfect distractions from her situation, and she really appreciates that.

But Erika is not so easily distracted, and even if she asks no questions throughout the day, she waits until a point at lunch when Walker is not around to say, "Walk home with me right after school, alright?" and Emilia knows that she has not gotten off scott free this time.

She wants to say that she's busy after school, but she knows that her usual conversations with Dr. Kishitani don't really count as plans, and that she should break herself of that habit anyway. It's not as if it's a real excuse she can give Erika anyway, so she simply agrees to meet up with her, and spends the rest of the day dreading said meeting. Until she's in class, that is; then, she is just warm all over and embarrassed and turned on, and silently praying that nobody can tell.

Finally, the end of the day is upon her and she can't escape Erika's curiosity. Though, as it turns out, she doesn't have much to try to figure out, and once they're alone, she says, "I figured you wouldn't want Yumachi around since it's so clearly girl stuff, right? It has something to do with Friday, doesn't it?"

As her face goes red, Emilia mumbles, "Yeah, kind of." She doesn't know why she doesn't try to deny it at all. Maybe it's because she's had to deal with Erika interrogating her about her crush so much that she's already close to cracking anyway.

"Ooh, my little Emichi is growing up so fast!" Erika squeals. "That's kinda hot, knowing that I inspired such a change! Okay, so are you going to give me any details, or do I have to squeeze them out of you?"

" have to already know that it's because know!"

"The guy you like? Yeah, I suspected." She gives a mock sigh and says, "It really was too much to dream I could have inspired a little more! But, enough about me...are you ever going to tell me who he is? You know I won't tell anyone."

"You're going to think it's weird, though!"

"But I'm all about weird!" Erika protests. "Come on, what have I ever done that would make you think I would judge you for anything? I showed you some of my doujinshi stash, we've got trust now, don't you know that? If you really don't want to tell me, I can't make you, but please consider?"

She knows that she shouldn't, but the way Erika looks at her makes her feel bad for trying to keep it a secret, and she really was close to cracking. That is why she looks down and mumbles, "Dr. Kishitani."

Erika stares at her for a moment, and every second of silence that passes threatens to kill Emilia on the spot, but finally, a grin breaks out across Erika's face and she says, "That's all? You almost had me worried! I mean, I get why you think it's weird cos it's him, cos he's a teacher and all, but remember, me and Yumachi both thought he was pretty cool! Plus, I can't really judge you for liking a teacher, all things considered."

Emilia knows that she shouldn't be surprised by Erika's casual reaction, but a part of her still is. Now she knows, at least, that she never had anything to worry about where her friend was concerned. "Just...don't tell anyone, alright?"

"You can trust me! I've said it before, I won't even tell Yumachi, alright?" Erika grins as she says, "Now, are you going to tell me anymore about this little crush of yours? Student-teacher romances are always so fun to read about, so please share everything you can!"

Emilia hesitates before she begins to talk more about it. Though she still feels weird talking about her feelings for the older man, she has been kind of lonely, keeping it all to herself. She decides that there is no harm in sharing with someone like Erika, who has proven herself several times to be a good friend to her.

"I don't really know when it started," she says, "but before I knew it, I couldn't stop thinking about him?"

"Ooh, a true classic! So, are weird guys always your type, or is this a first for you?"

"A little bit of both? I don't know, I've not liked anyone this much before, but I guess my taste has always been a little weird?" Everything she says comes out more like a question, as even she is still learning about her own feelings. "He's probably a first, though."

"So, what do you think he really looks like? I bet you're banking on super hot! Like a hot dad type, you know? Or is it the mystery that does it for you? That's pretty understandable too."

Erika's words are embarrassing, but Emilia is happy to answer anyway; she's happy to talk about this with someone, and happy to not be completely alone in this. They go into greater detail, as embarrassing as that is, and Erika takes quite the interest in Emilia's late nights alone, and even goes so far as to give her additional tips.

"And if you ever need any assistance, feel free to give me a call," she teases with a wink.


At the very least, with Erika's tips, Emilia's late nights get a little bit easier to deal with.

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