Chapter 1

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First of all, I'm sorry. I tried to not write this, but then I did. So yeah. I'm sorry.
Second of all, I gave Emilia a last name cos obviously they aren't married yet.
Third of all, I wondered for a while where I would set this. Would it be an American high school, with Shingen as their foreign teacher, but leaving Emilia with no friends? Would it be a Japanese high school and Emilia be a foreign transfer studen, but risk me fucking up cultural things? Or would it be a weird high school in the nth dimension, where it follows the rules of American high school, but pretty much everyone except Emilia is Japanese? I went with the last one, because...
Fourth of all, Erika and Walker are in this because I can't resist making Emilia and Erika friends at every opportunity.


The first day of school is hard for most people, and it is particularly hard for new students. For a student that is both new and starting their senior year...well, it's understandable that that student might dread the first day most of all. Emilia Adams is one such student, and, having just moved to a new city, she's never met anyone attending her new high school.

She can't say that she's excited for having to start over somewhere new, but she also isn't really leaving all that much behind. For a while now, she's had a hard time making friends and finding a place where she fits in, and she only had a few people she would consider friends at her old school, and they were not particularly close. She doesn't think she's going to miss them all that much, but it's going to be hard starting over, and during the last year, on top of that.

Everyone has their place already, and it'll be even harder for her than usual to try to fit into one now, but she tries to tell herself that she doesn't care. It's only one year, and she can bear being a little lonely for that long, especially considering she's got a lot to do to get ready for college. Of course, she already has her top choices lined up and has been working on applications, but she has to make sure her transcript from her old school transferred to this one properly, and she has to make sure her college counselor knows exactly what her plans are.

She has a lot of things to keep her busy, so she decides to not let anything else distract her, not even her own loneliness. It's her last year in high school, and Emilia hopes that, once she's graduated, it's all uphill from there.


On the first day, though she's decided not to care if she makes friends or not, she can't help but hope that she also doesn't make enemies. She hopes that she isn't bullied here; at her old school, she had been bullied a bit her freshman year, though most people grew out of it midway through sophomore year. Hopefully, everyone has already grown out of it here as well, and she has nothing to worry about on that front.

She's looked over her subjects for the year, and everything seems easy enough. They don't have as many higher level classes as her old school, but she has a lot on her application already, so she isn't too worried about that. She's worked hard enough that she thinks she's earned being able to take it easy her senior year.

In her first class, she's asked to introduce herself, and she tells them her name and what she's planning to do in college, all the why trying to keep her legs from shaking. Fortunately, she makes it all the way back to her desk without incident, and the class goes on, and she moves onto the next one, where she isn't made to introduce herself. All the students are given a questionnaire to fill out, to help the teacher get to know them, but class ends a little early and they're allowed to talk amongst themselves.

Emilia doesn't know anybody, and nobody makes a move to talk to her, so she ends up pulling a book out of her backpack and reading for the rest of class. As always, she's not able to introduce herself to anyone, and by the time class ends, she hasn't spoken with anybody, and she moves on to her third class of the day.

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