6. Here's To Aeska

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"I gotta go

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"I gotta go."

"No, you don't." Livian's words melted into my mouth as she pushed her lips to mine. A struggle, then she pulled back a bit, her swollen lips finding that familiar curve. "Isn't this so much more fun than some stuffy dinner?"

She was unbelievable; I couldn't get enough of her. I kissed her again. "True, but I don't have a choice."

"Sure you do." She stopped to look at me again, and I was forced to look at her. She was a sight to behold, red-haired and green-eyed and delicately structured, but there are things I would've rather been doing with her at the moment.

Then again, I did have to be in the dining hall about ten minutes ago. "My Dad would kill me."

"But aren't you, like, the crown princess? Why should you have to listen to him?"

I sighed, running my hand over her hair. She was a pretty girl, but a politician she was not. "Because I haven't been coronated yet. He's in charge until then." That wasn't completely true-- he couldn't sign off on legislation or declare war any more than I could. But the intricacies of Musteri politics would be too difficult to explain to her.

"Why don't you just get coronated already?"

I pulled back. It was all the questions that always managed to sour the current objects of my affection. Then there was, of course, that question, the edge of which she danced asking. Once it was asked, well, romance was pretty much out the window.

I smiled. "I have to go."

I got off the bed and stretched, walking over to my vanity to fix my hair.

"Can't I join you?"

Irritation pricked in the corner of my head. I was going to have to break up with her, wasn't I? She was a fantastic kisser, but when the kissing stopped, she inspired in me the feeling of suffocation. "Probably not." But not today, not after we had been making out on my bed not seconds earlier. That felt cruel, dishonest. Cheap. And I strived every day to not be my father's daughter.

"Okay. Well, I guess I--"

"Message me tomorrow?" I smiled at her over my shoulder.

She swallowed. "Yeah, that."

I blinked at her.

"Well, I guess I should get going now?"

Finally. She got the hint.

She slowly gathered her things. My eyes followed her in my mirror as she went. She tucked a strand of crimson behind her ear and leaned over to place a kiss on my lips.

I inwardly pouted. She was so pretty. Too pretty. It wasn't fair!

I wasn't that I didn't have the capacity to be in a relationship for a long period of time. Two or three people ago, there had been Ryden, who I had spent three wonderful months with. He was my favorite, for sure. But then he asked that question and I gave my answer and I was too ashamed to show my face to him again.

A Clove of FatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora