43- Tattoo Artist/Florist AU

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Rhys's POV

"Fiona, you have to actually work"

She groaned and started sorting the flowers while I made pick up orders for customers

The bell rang signaling someone had just walked in

"Hello, welcome to Anemone. How can I-"

I finally looked up and saw a man who was rather attractive. He had different colored eyes that added to his attraction. His hair was messy and he had tattoos all over him.

Fiona cleared her throat

"How can we help you?"

"I'm here for a pick up order"

My heart ached at his words, he's probably getting flowers for someone else but..why do I care?

He told Fiona his phone number and she got the right bouquet of flowers

It was a stupid idea to ask but I had to know

"What are they for?"

He chuckled

"Yvette says I need to 'brighten up' the work place"

He smiled, payed and then left

Fiona giggled

"What's so funny?"

"I think you have a crush"

I blushed but continued to work, I wasn't gonna deny it.


Jack's POV

I placed the flowers in a vase and sat them on the front desk. I admired them, remembering how cute the boy was.

"Jack, stop standing around"

"I just got back, Yvette, and you're already ordering me around again"

She smirked

"That's my job"


As my shift was almost at over a boy walked, not just any boy but the boy from the flower shop. And he was with the girl from the shop as well

"Uh..excuse me..I-..I would like a tattoo."

I smirked

"And what tattoo would you like, princess?"

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