34- To Lose Someone

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Jack was my everything

We were a team

Never one without the other

I remember all the good times we had together

And when I lost him to his work, I lost sight of anything that could ever make me happy again

I remember the day he left

He didn't say goodbye he just left a note saying

'I'm headed out to work, won't be back for awhile. I don't know if I ever will be back for that matter. I love you, Rhys'

And just like that, I never saw him again

Yvette was constantly worried about me

Fiona acted like she didn't care but you could tell she did

Vaughn's heart broke when mine did

And Sasha grew closer to me as time went by

Of course I never gave up on the thought of Jack choosing me over his work instead

I always thought one day he'll come back and he'll tell me the great mistake he had made

But he never did

And yet I still supported him through thick and thin

Tonight he was having a celebration, his company was growing quickly and he wanted to celebrate with everyone who had helped him get to where he is today

I was surprised to find an invitation for me and a plus one

This would be the first time seeing him since he left

But I know what he's trying to do

He's trying to crawl his way back into my heart

it was obvious that his first step was to see who I'm romantically involved with currently

But what he didn't know was that I don't have anyone I'm involved with like that

He's never going to come back and choose me over his work

But he is gonna make one thing clear to everyone

I'm off limits

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