Sams Surprise Visit

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As Bayla woke up that morning she felt the warm sun hitting her skin through the window and smiled softly.
She rolled over and was surprised to see Sam sitting on the end of her bed looking at her with a serious look.
She gasped and sat up quickly, groaning at the shape movement as Sam scooted forward with a concerned look.

"You okay?!" Sam asked, not wanting her to pull her stitches.
"Yea yea, I'm peachy, just moved to fast..what are you doing here?" Bayla asked, remembering how she was in Florida and not her old bedroom where she wouldn't have been so surprised.
Sam smirked softly and looked back at her window at the beach .
"Paul's constant crying got on my nerves..came to bring you home bay. It's time." Sam said, his authority tone coming out.
Bayla shook her head and sighed, not quite ready to leave. She pulled the covers up over her shoulder as if it could save her from leaving.

"I'm not going..I can't, not yet" Bayla said softly, her eyes not willing to meet his just yet.
Sam nodded and folded his hands in his lap, letting out a sigh.
"There's been an attack in Port Angelos, Carlisle tracked it down to a newborn army.. you being all the way in Florida where they might track your scent to is no help to us. It's time to come back home Little Leaf. You have a role to play and your not playing it. You being gone has had a domino effect. Paul's constant crying, jakes constant calling, Emily's constant worry... not to mention we have new members of the pack you need to meet." Sam said, giving her a worried look.

"New members? Who?" Bayla asked, curious to who else would phase.
Sam let a small smile come to his lips and quickly pulled his phone out calling someone and pressing it to Baylas ear.
"Hello?" Bayla asked, wondering who she could be talking to that Sam wouldn't say.
"Bayla! Damn chick where you been! I phase and your not here to see it, that hurts me Bay" Quils goody voice rang through the phone causing Bayla to smile and hop up and down on her bed in excitement.

"Oh my god! Quil?! It's you! You phased! Oh my gosh I can't believe it!" Bayla said, excitement courting through her veins .
Sam smiled and walked down the hall, giving the two privacy, and having a cup of coffee with Renée who was hesitant to let him in the house at first, but happy when he was concerned about Bayla .

"Hell Yea I phased. I'm the biggest baddest wolf there is baby!" Quil said, ignoring the laughs from the other pack members.
"No I think that's Jake" Bayla said giggling as she pictured his face at the remark.
"Well why don't you come and see for yourself!" Quil said nervously, hoping he could convince her to come back home.

Bayla laughed, as her mood turned serious again and let out a hard sigh. She knew they wouldn't stop, not stop calling, texting, the surprise visits. She knew in her heart that Florida wasn't her home anymore and it never would be so as she pressed end on the phone she packed up her belongings in the large suitcase and walked down the hall meeting her mom, Phil, and Sam in the kitchen .

"Going back baby girl." Renée said with a small hint of sadness oberlaved with fake happiness for her daughters sake .
"Yea momma..I'm going home" Bayla said, walking over and wrapping her arms around her mothers waist.
Renée hates to see her children leave home, but she saw how dazed and unhappy Bayla had been since she arrived in Florida and she knew that being back in Forks would help her heal. So as she wrapped her arms around her daughter and gave her a kiss on the top of the head she only smiled.

"Does your dad know your coming back?" Sam asked as they boarded the flight to Washington .
"Nope, phone died before I could call him" Bayla said, pulling her luggage behind her in an annoyed manner.
Sam nodded and picked up her luggage, placing it in the luggage rack just above there seats and sat down looking out the window .
"We can let you see the pack first...if you want" Sam said.
"Yea that's be nice" Bayla said

The truth was she had missed them, she missed embrys constant jokes, Jared's nagging about patrol, jakes small talk with her, Emily's cooking, she had even missed Bella and of course her dad. She wanted to call them many times but her pride stood in the way and she only ignored the feeling leaving her lost and broken as she thought of them all .
As the plane took off Bayla felt the excitement of being back in Forks and la-push, she missed the scenery, the rain that everyone seemed to hate so much, she missed her dads nasty coffee in the morning that she always had to fix up, she missed Bella's talks about Edward that she once hated so bad.

She missed everything and as the time passed by she found herself bored and longing for the plane ride to end. Sam had made small talk, mostly about the situation of that had occurred. He told her Alice had a vision the week she left and they would be coming for an unknown reason, that they were planning on taking place in the battle to protect the town. As much as she was glad to be filled in on what she missed she only feared for everyone's safety, and wished she could have stayed in Florida until it all passed.

Sams small talk had the time pass by quickly, and she was happy when they were exiting the place. She felt Washington's chill weather and silently cursed herself for the lack of clothing. With Florida being so warm she had stayed in shorts, a T-shirt, and sneakers, but as Washington's cold crept up on her she knew she had to change soon unless she wanted to be sick.

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