Meeting the Avengers

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backstory— nobody's POV:
   Peter lives with his beloved aunt May but he also sorta lives with Tony. Tony was like his father and his home was sorta also Peters. Peter never meet the avengers because either they where gone on missions, or he'd stay in the private lab with Mr.Stark and work or he'd be asleep in his room. Meeting the avengers is something Peter always wanted to do but he'd never did. Mr.Stark told the avengers all about Peter, besides that he was spider-man, and they where eager to meet this so called curly head angel. So Mr.Stark decided to finally have the avengers meet Peter, but Peter doesn't know.

Now— nobody's POV:
   It was Friday and it was Peters last class of the day. He is excited for school to end because he was spending the night at Mr.Starks. He had his project board there for his science class and it was pretty much done but still had to glue a few things down which was what he was gonna work on after school. The bell rang and he walked out of school with his bestfriend Ned. Once he saw Happy he said bye to Ned and ran to the car.
"Hey uncle Happy!" Peter said jumping into the car.
"Hey kid" Happy said uninterested. Peter chatted Happy off about his day. Happy acted like he didn't care and was ignoring him but Happy really did enjoy Peters company. They pulled up to the Tower and Peter jumped out.
"Thank you uncle Happy! See you later!" And he ran into the building. He put on his sound proof headphones and blasted music through them. He scanned his badge and went in the elevator and pressed the pent house floor. Peter was low key dancing to his music.

   Meanwhile at the avengers tower everybody was in the living room sitting on the couch besides Tony. Tony was standing up in front of them and lecturing them.
"Don't mention anything about parents or uncles. His are dead. Don't be loud or speak over each other. He has sensitive ears. Don—" Tony was cut off by Thor appearing on the balcony. He was covered in mud from head to toe, including his hammer. He placed his hammer on the counter, unknowingly placing it on Peters project and walked over to the avengers.
"Hey guys!" He said.
"What happened to you?" Clint asked looking at him up and down.
"Long story. What's happening?" Thor asked.
"Where meeting Peter today" Natasha said excitedly.
"The son of Stark?" Thor asked. Tony turned pink.
"he's not my son" Tony said but Peter kind of was.

The elevator door rang and a dancing made his way out thinking the Tony would be in his lab. Peters back was facing the avengers and was going over to his project. Peter made his was to the counter, still dancing and lip singing to the music. The avengers where laughing at the clueless boy. Peter saw a muddy hammer on his project.
"DADDDDD! WHY THE FLIPPITY FLAPPITY HECK IS THERE A MUDDY HAMMER ON MY SCIENCE PROJECT BOARD!" Peter yelled. The avengers where now crying of laughter. He took off his headphones and picked up the hammer and turned around to the sink but when he turned around he saw the avengers laughing. Than they stopped laughing and looked stunned when they saw the boy facing them while hold the Mjölnir hammer.
"Oh my god! Your the avengers! It's been a while!" Peter said while running up to them.
"Oh, this must be yours" Peter said while holding up the hammer to Thor who slowly grabbed it.
"Nice to uh... meet you" Steve said.
"meet me? We've already met" Peter said referring back to civil war.
"Peter I uh... didn't tell them" Tony said.
"Tell us what?" Natasha asked.
"Black Widow! Oh my god, i'm a big fan." Peter said while jumping in front of her.
"Uh guys... remember when he all fought, you know." Tony said scratching his neck.
"Ya?" Steve said.
"Well... remember spider-man" Tony said and everybody's eyes went wide.
"If your gonna tell me that he is spider-man i'm gonna flip" Clint said.
"Well..." Tony got nervous.
"He's the one I dropped an boarding tunnel on that weighed tons!" Steve asked.
"It's ok, I forgive you" Peter said with a big smile.
"I-i'm sorry" Steve said. Tony glared at Steve still holding a grudge on him doing that.
"Are we just not gonna talk about him picking up the  Mjölnir hammer?!" Thor asked.
"The what?" Peter asked.
"you picked up my hammer, nobody can pick up my hammer!" Thor said.
"My son is worthy!" Tony said with a flashy dad smile. Peter was used to Tony calling him his son as Tony is to Peter calling him dad. That's when Natasha smiled at Tony.
"He has a son!" She said.
"Awwww" they all chanted.
"Now you!" Peter said still kinda angry about that board.
"That took my ages! You need to redo it now! It's due monday!" Peter said to Thor.
"You don't want him doing anything. He isn't the smartest" Bruce said. Thor wasn't gonna protest because it was kinda true.
"What was the project on?" Bruce asked.
"Well..." Peter was a big flushed because it was based off of Bruce's gamma ray book.
"It was a study of your gamma rays" Tony said for Peter.
"And he understood it?" Bruce asked a little star struck.
"Yes indeed he did" Tony said with a smile.
"He's a keeper" Sam said.
"He does have curly hair!" Wanda said.
"He's a curly head angel" Tony said patting his sons shoulder.

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