You're Spider-man?

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Back story— Nobody's POV:
Peter Parker is Spider-man and not a single person, who is alive knows. His parents died of a plane crash when he was 7 that was set up by H.Y.D.R.A who kidnapped the boy after. They kidnapped him because his father made radioactive spiders but where fused with Peters DNA so anybody else who infected the venom would die. They experimented and tortured him for years until he was 12 he escaped with a help from another worker. He found his last 2 living relatives, aunt May and uncle Ben. When Peter was 13 him and his uncle got into an argument and when Peter ran away his uncle went looking for him. His uncle was shot by a robber and told Peter that he knew about his powers and to do good and to take care of aunt May. So that's what Peter did, he took care of his aunt the best a teen boy can do. A few months after his uncles death he became Spider-man and protected and saved as many lives in New York as possible. The Avengers found him but didn't know his identity. Peter went on the most dangerous missions with them all the time and had a bond between them but didn't tell them who he really was. On Peters birthday he went out to Osborn and meet a girl name Gwen. They grew a relationship and eventually Gwen found out Peter was spider-man. A few weeks after his birthday, Mr.Osborn turned himself into a mutant lizard. The avengers wouldn't save the city from the mutant because they were having a war between one another so Peter Parker, the 14 year old teen had to take care of the job. Gwen refused to let him do it alone and so she helped him. Peter obviously fought against it but she obviously wasn't gonna take no for an answer so Peter said yes making her do the little things until she decided to run up to the top of a clock tower, without Peters permission, to help Peter. The Lizard took hold of Gwen and threw her down the tower. Peter had to save her, he did everything he could, but he wasn't fast enough and she fell to her death. A few months later, he was on his way home from patrol till he heard a scream. When he got there he heard a gun shot and saw a man shot his aunt May. He ran to his aunt who told him to take care of himself. Peter grieved but never told anybody anything. He blamed himself for his mom, dad, uncle, aunt and girlfriends death and he had to live with that. He took care of himself at home aka the alley way as much as he could. He continued to do patrol and help the avengers with missions but never stuck around with them to celebrate but the avengers never questioned him because it wasn't their business to take care of a grown man. Well, he is only a teen but they didn't know. Than the stones where collected by thanos and every super was snappped into the stone.

Now— Nobody's POV:
Peter fell asleep in an alley way and woke up in an all white room that seemed to go on forever each direction he looked around and saw Tony Stark, Steve Rodgers, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Sam, Rhodey, Thor, Dr. Strange, Bucky, and Wanda laying on the white floor around him. Peter moves a little and one by one waking one another up with their movement, they all got up.
"Ugh, what happened?" Tony said rubbing his head.
"Ouch" Steve said rubbing his arm.
"Man of iron, where are we?" Thor said looking around him. Nobody realized the teen sitting a few feet away from him.
"Oh no, Thanos got the infinity Stones, what have we done!" Dr. Strange said with all the energy he had. The avengers all complained.
"Who are you?" Natasha said realizing the teen.
"Me? I-I'm Sp- Peter Parker" he said with a raspy voice. All them looked at them wondering why a boy ended up with all the avengers and superhero's but none of them said it out loud. Peter was the first to land get on his feet and the rest did so themselves.
"What are we gonna do?" Clint said looking at Steve.
"I-I don't know. Let's start walking, maybe we can find something." Steve said not knowing what to do. Peter knew it would get them no where but who is he to tell the avengers to do so he followed along not talking or making himself noticeable to anybody. After walking for 30minutes they found nothing.
"Walking isn't getting us anywhere" Bruce said annoyed.
"We have to keep going" Steve said not knowing what else they could do.
"No, this is ridiculous. Why are we still moving, we know we failed and that their is no way to get out of here. Where stuck! We failed!" Rhodey said.
"Let's not talk like that" Steve said calmly.
"He's saying what everybody is thinking" Sam said while walking up from behind Rhodey.
"Come on guys, there's nothing else we can do but to look for something" Tony said taking Steve's side.
"But there is nothing! Where just wasting our energy!" Thor said. One by one everybody started yelling at each other about what they should or shouldn't he doing for 5 minutes. Peters ears began to hurt from all the screaming. Peter knew that yelling at each other was stupid and pointless.
"Guys" Peter said in a normal toned voice but they couldn't hear him.
"Guys!" He said a little bit louder but he still didn't get their attention.
"GUYS!" Peter yelled finally getting their attention.
"Yelling at each other won't do anything!" Peter said.
"Don't talk to us like that! Where stressed out! Peoples lives are in our hands! We deal with stuff like this all the time! You probably have to only deal with perfect parents living your perfect life! Your probably spoiled and don't know the first thing of having it hard or having it like us! So let us handle this as we please!" Sam yelled at Peter. Nobody stopped him and Peters blood was boiling from the words that came out of his mouth. Who does he think he is for assuming that.
"YOU CANT ASSUME ANYTHING!" Peter yelled at him.
"Or what? You gonna go cry to your mom and dad!" Sam said.
"I WOULD IF I COULD BUT THEIR DEAD! They were practically murdered by H.Y.D.R.A when I was 7! And don't you dare say I don't know what it's like to have it hard because I've had it harder than all of YOUU! I was tortured and experimented on by H.Y.D.R.A for 5 years! When I escaped, I lived with my aunt and uncle until my uncle was murdered as well! He encouraged me to become spider-man so that's exactly what I did! I became spider-man and had the lives of not only New York but the world when I fought along with you guys WHEN I WAS 14! Even when I helped you guys when y'all wanted it and needed it, y'all still didn't help me when I NEEDED it! I had to save New York from a mutant lizard which I did by myself because y'all were too bust trying to kill each other LIKE YALL ARE DOING NOW! My girlfriend was killed by that lizard! Than after living with those tragedies I still helped you guys! Than when I was 14 my aunt, my last living relative was murdered! Just like my uncle, I watched her bleed in my hands because I couldn't save her! NOW! I'm living in an alley way in New York still saving the citizens and also helping you guys on missions! I'm starving and i'm tired constantly! So don't even say that I don't know the first thing about having it hard because HAVING IT HARD IS LITERALLY MY LIFE!" Peter couldn't control a word he was saying, it all just came out along with his tears. None of them said anything, they all stood there in shock looking at the boy with sympathy and guilt. Sam regretted what he said.
"Not so tuff now! NOW let's figure out how to get OUT of this stupid stone so you guys can get back to y'alls billion dollar home and billion dollar life!" Peter yelled eyeing each of the avengers. None of them where saying anything. They all were thinking about what he said. His mom, dad, uncle, girlfriend and aunt died, he was tortured for years, saves the word constantly, and lives on the streets. But what shocked him most was that HE was spider-man, the 15 year old.
"Seriously! Come on! I lived through it and I'm functioning more than you guys! Let's go NOW!" Peter said in demand.
"Peter I'm so-" Sam was beginning to say but was cut off.
"Save it, it's not gonna matter. Only time y'all ever see me is when I'm saving y'all as$es. It's not like y'all care for me to stick around anyways, I saved you and everybody else and nobody wanted my company after that so just GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Peter yelled. He just wanted to go back to New York and away from these "hero's."
Peter turned the other way and started walking. All the avengers looked at each other and felt childish, they followed the boy and there wasn't a peep out of them.
"There's a way" Peter heard an unfamiliar voice.
"what?" Peter said and turned to the other avengers wondering who said it.
"huh?" Natasha said.
"Who said that?" He asked them.
"The heart of the stone can get y'all out" Peter heard but this time it felt like screaming in his ears and it hurt him. He covered his ears and fell to his knees moaning in pain.
"Kid! What's wrong!" Tony said and they all gathered around him. Only Peter could here it for a reason they didn't know.
"Who is saying that" he coughed out.
"Saying what?" Steve said concerned.
"who's saying the heart of the stone can get y'all out" Peter said while grunting in pain.
"Kid, what are you talking about! Nobody's saying anything!" Wanda shouted which hurt Petered ears even more.
"stop speaking so loud" Sam whispered feeling sorrow.
"You can get them out" Peter heard from the unfamiliar voice that was screaming in his ear. Peter shouted even louder.
"What what! What is it?" Clint said to Peter.
"It said you can get them out" Peter said. Than finally the noise stopped but he passed out instantly from the pain.
"Peter!" Wanda shouted when the boy fainted. Tony picked up the boys head and rested it on his lap.
"It's ok, he's still breathing. Probably passed out from the pain." Tony said stroking the boys hair.
"What did he mean by you can get them out" Thor said confused by the question.
"Does he mean Peter can get us out?" Bruce asked.
"I-I don't know" Tony said.
"Let's wit till he wakes up" Tony continued to pet the boy till he woke up.

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