•Chapter 2•

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•Out on an adventure•

This chapter starts in a shared house that the group Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro and Alurah share all together so yeah...

||No one POV||

" Man this is boring!..."
Lance sighs loudly as he plops down on the large couch, Hunk and Shiro both look at Lance then to each other with that 'are you serious' look.
" Don't be so down lance! I think Pidge found something about that legend you have been talking for months! "
Alurah runs out from a room as she grabs Lance dragging him to where Pidge is.
" Come on Hunk! Shiro! "
She smiled brightly as they all stop at where Pidge is, she has all her equipment surrounding her as she looks at a mountain were the 'fire spirit' is supposed to be.
" Found something Pidge? "
Shiro leans over Pidges shoulder as they look at the screen in front of them.
" Yeah actually. Surprisingly, I did! "
She points to a dark spot on the mountain side.
" Here is a cave that is unexplored because of how high it is AND because of strange things that have been happening to it- "
The group all gathered around looking at where he was pointing.
" -and there is one more thing about this cave. "
She turns around to the group and sighs, pushing up her glasses with two fingers.
" What is so suspicious about this cave? We have been on hundreds! Why is this one so different? "
Hunk stands behind them with a bowl of cookies, he had just walked in.
" Well...The cave only appears once every week, so if people where to go in the cave they would need a lot of supplies, enough to last each of them a week and a half...But! it stays open for about 35 hours so..."
Pidge sighs and turns back to the screen as the group all look at each other, Lance just has a big smile on his face.
" Then let's go see what's up there! "
He jumps with joy and points to the mountain shown on the screen and the others just look at him, all of them have the 'here we go again' face as they sigh but listen to the brown haired cabin boy. They know they can't shut him up once he has started, but Shiro didn't really want to listen to Lance go on and on about why they should go up there, AGAIN!
" Lance, we can't just go up there! We need to plan it out first. "
Shiro crosses his arms, shutting Lance down from his little outburst of joy. Lance pouts sadly and crossed his arms turning away from Shiro.
" Shiro is right lance, if we are going up there we need to plan first. Or we would probably die... "
Alurah smiles softly at Lance as the others nod in agreement.
" Pidge, how long until the cave opens again? "
Shiro looks back to the small girl as she looks to a small device.
" About... Three days. "
" Ok, Lance we will go up there but we need to plan. Ok? "
Lance nods softly.
" Ok, Hunk you know what to do with food. "
Hunk nods and runs off to get the food done.
" Alurah, your on first aid and other things we might need for the trip. "
Alurah smiles and skips away.
" On it Shiro! "
" Lance and Pidge, find out more about this mountain and this 'spirit' Lance is talking about."
Lance walks over to Pidge as they both nod and get to work. Shiro sighs and walks to the stairs leading to a room with all his hunting weapons.
" And... This is my job. "
Shiro looks at all the guns and knives, as he walks to a wardrobe with all the hiking gear in it, pulling out what they need for a trip this big.

||Keith POV||

It's been nineteen years since I ran away, I have made this cave my home and I have even found out about amazing things I can do with this power I have. I love my life now that I know how to work things around the place. As I walk to the back of the cave I let out a long calm sigh...
Smiling softly I let my flames come out of my body, making my hair flow upward and bright flames surround my body covering my skin in golden glowing flames as it lights up the room, I can feel my legs disappear into the flames as I 'walk' on. I smile softly as I start float off the ground and around the room stopping at a large purple and gold sphere, I let out a sigh again as I touch it with one single finger, it lights up and opens into three bits revealing a small glowing stone.
" Still glowing... "
I smile as I gently caress the small red stone, then I closed the sphere gently again. I float back to the front of the cave and make my way up to the roof where there is a little entrance to my 'room', I have collected things from any traveler that leaves things behind when they come up here, and made myself a little room in this opening I found in the wall. I lay down on a bed that I made and started to fall asleep letting my flames slowly die down.
" Only three more days until I can go out again... "

Ok ok so let me explain the stone.
The stone is from the fire Keith was exposed to when he was younger. so as long as the stone is glowing Keith can open and close the cave. It also lets him know is there is anything wrong with him or the forest around him. Like a alarm. Sort of...
It's kinda like his heart! Kind of...

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