She forced her eyes open and, even though they were approaching the ground at a very fast speed, despite the pain and exhaustion settling in her body from the act of breaking through the realm barrier, despite all of that, she could have cried in joy. Blue skies. White clouds that left moisture on her skin as she passed through them. Green grassy plains that were approaching at an alarmingly fast rate.

She tore one of her hands from Laurence (making sure to hook the other even tighter to ensure his safety) and rubbed circles reassuringly into Ungrth's steadily blackening side. As the ground got closer and closer, the Wyvern slowed, using what little strength he had to ensure they wouldn't be killed by the impact of the landing.

Buildings and landmarks started to make their way into Ariella's line of sight. Docks, and a Plaza and patches of farmland scattered through houses of all different shapes and sizes.

The impact of the landing was gentler than Ariella had expected, but it was still enough to knock herself and Laurence's limp body unceremoniously to the ground. She quickly pulled off his helm, stabbing her fingers to his neck in a desperate attempt to check the redhead's pulse. It was there. Slow and faint, but there. She turned her attention to their saviour, and placed her hand on his snout, hoping to show him her gratitude with her expression.

He seemed to understand, and bowed his head in recognition, gently huffing. She looked towards the village and saw two people standing and watching in shock. A heavily armed guard, and that woman... Aphmau. They were in Aphmau's village.

"Help!" She hoarsely cried out, standing shakily. She only realised what had happened when she watched the two stiffen, their eyes glazing over in a way that sent Ariella all the way back to her eighteenth birthday.

But the universe seemed to be cutting her some slack that day. It only took a moment before the two observers seemed to break from their tranced stupor, and Aphmau sprinted over to them. As the raven-haired Lord approached, Ariella tried to take a step towards her, but her body couldn't keep up anymore. She felt gravity take over as her vision went dark, and the noises around her were reduced to nothing but a ringing in her ears. Her mind drifted to a specific passage from her parents' book.


Ulina the Silence was the last of the group to join as a Divine Warrior and, in fact, was almost an enemy rather than an ally, had it not been for the kind nature of Irene. She came from a small village in the Tu'la region, though not much is known of her birthplace, due to its now lack of existence (see page 58). Her magicks were bestowed upon her by what scholars believe to have been the Eclipse Cloak, and bestowed upon her the ability to drain another's life force and use it to increase her own, the ability to entrance others into doing her bidding, the ability to both feel and manipulate another's emotions, as well as rumoured healing on both creatures and plants; all by using her voice. It is noted in one of Enki's few writings on other warriors, that mastering these abilities took Ulvina decades, earning her the nickname Ulvina the Silence. She and Kul'zak are also the only two Divine Warriors to have been confirmed to have not had descendants, as the two married, but stayed child-free, despite many false claims over the years.

Menphia the Fury also hailed from the Tu'la region, though from the complete opposite side to Ulvina, from a Meif'wa-dominated village-state called Termarth Hold. Knowledge of her relic is sceptical at best, with no evidence as to what it may been. But the powers it granted Menphia are known to have been the likes of pyrokinesis, enhanced speed and strength, and the ability to learn another person's fighting style almost immediately. Evidence suggests she may have had more than just these three abilities, but a lot of information on Menphina has been lost to time. She is known mostly for her hand in freeing the Meif'wa of Tu'la from their Lupine oppressors, and so it is a widely accepted theory that the Lupine destroyed many texts that mentioned her as revenge.

And finally, Kul'zak the Wanderer is the final member of the Divine Warriors. Aptly named, Kul'zak was born and raised travelling, but he is noted to have had an accent that was more Ru'an in nature. It was while travelling that Kul'zak found his relic, the Wyvern Lair Sword (later merged to form the Wvern Staff, see page 79), which gifted him the abilities to safely traverse realms without the need for a portal or ritual, as well as the gift of teleportation, enhanced stamina, and the innate knowledge of both where he is, and where he needs to be going. As previously mentioned, he and Ulvina are the only two Divine Warriors known for a fact to not have any descendants, as the two would marry and travel the world together, but stay openly child-free.

And now you have been introduced to the Divine Warriors, let us tell you their tales.


ꜰɪɴɪꜱʜᴇᴅ: 01.11.2023

ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ: 03.11.2023

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1,333

A/N - A bit of a shorter chapter for you guys today, but If I carried it on too much further, there wouldn't be a natural cut-off point for another thousand or so words. Plus, this chapter took longer than a normal one, because I had to do so much plannign for the Divine Warriors. Seriously, Kul'zak and Menphia? Nothing. Zilch. Nada on the wiki. Even for the likes of Esmund and Enki, I had to make up a lot of details.

Look, Mincecraft Diaries has a special place in my heart, but it is not a well written show. Jess genuinely seems to have forgotten that there are characters in the lore besides Irene and Shad. This leaves me basically writing OCs in everything but the name. Like, it's fine, and it's fun coming up with these things sometimes. But I might as well be writing an original story at this point 😅

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Here you go! I hope you're enjoying the scheduled uploads (thank you, Wattpad, for including this feature).

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