"So, what's your conclusion?"

"I think working with an officer with... personal issues is an added challenge, but adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features." he said as he winked and I felt the blush coming to my face so I hid it trying to show any blue blood. He then started blinking quickly and his LED flashed yellow.

"I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's a few blocks away. We should go have a look. I'll let you finish your meal." he said as he walked away.

As Connor went to back to Hank's car suddenly Hank asked me."(Y/N) are you in love Connor?" He asked making my eyes open wide. Suddenly I turned back to him.

"W-WHAT?! COME ON HANK... YOU D-DON'T THINK.... god... dammit... alright maybe a bit but that's it! I... I know it's not possible anyways. I'll wait in the car, you should probably start eating before it cools down..." I said trying my hardest not to blush or it would give me way, as soon as I finished my sentence I started walking to the car. I opened the door to the back seat and sat and accidentaly shut the door too hard.

"Are alright (Y/N)?" Connor asked me as I have forgotten he was there.

"Yeah, it's nothing" I lied.

"My program allows me to detect if you're lying or not, and you are clearly lying."

"Damn, I guess CyberLife really went with everything with you. Heh lucky."

"What do you mean lucky?"Frick.... I forgot I have to keep my self like a fricking human not an android. I sigh hoping to act natural.

"It's nothing, Connor... just forget it..."

"May I ask you a question (Y/N)?"

"I thought you were going to say Hank. It's pretty common for you to say that" I chuckled. "Anyways, what's the question?"

"Why can't I recognize your face?" He said as he looked behind to look at my eyes. My eyes opened wide as he asked that question.

"I... I don't know..." Man, I'm 'so' good at lying (sarcasm) suddenly Hank entered the car and saved me.

"What were you two talkin' about?" Hank asked.

"Nothing important, Lieutenant." Connor said as he slowly turned his head to the front.

(Time skip)

We then arrived at some kind of old building, Hank and I got out of the elevator and we both looked back to see Connor with his eyes closed and his lead yellow.

"Hey, Connor! You ran out of batteries or what?" Hank said.

"I'm sorry. I was making a report to CyberLife" Connor said

"Uh... well come on, let's go." I said. He then nodded in response. He then got out of the elevator, we then followed Hank.

"What do we know about this guy?"

"Not much. Just a neighbor reported he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor he saw a man hiding his LED under his cap"

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops." He then pushed his body against the wall. "Hey, where you really making a report back there in the elevator, just by closing your eyes?" Hank asked


"Shit... wish we could do that, right (Y/N)"

"Yeah... it would be pretty cool." Connor suddenly looked at me, he then walked over the door and knocked on it. There was no response, suddenly he knocked harder.

"Anybody home? Open up Detroit Police!" Suddenly a crash was heard from inside the room. We all looked at each other for a second.

"Stay behind me, both of you."

"Got it" Connor and I said, this time I didn't find it funny, I was dead serious. Hank raised his gun and kicked the door open. Connor and I followed Hank, Hank opened the door and suddenly there were a lot of pigeons coming out making me take a few steps back.

"What the fuck is this?" Hank entered the room as we followed. "Ugh, Jesus this place stinks. Uh looks like we came for nothin', our man's gone."

"He has to be around here, what could of made that loud crash, pigeons trying to run away from us or something? He has to be around here somewhere." I said.

"What if he's not- Jesus, I need fresh air." Hank said. We all started investigating the apartment trying to find clues. Connor suddenly found a book behind a paper.

"What does it say?" He started browising through what seemed a book.

"I don't know, it seems to be a notebook it seems... indeciphereble..."

"Maybe there is something here we can find to figure it out." He then nodded. I walked over to the kitchen table to find some ' O'i barn' seeds, he seems like he cared for wild animals."Would you look at that! He cares for animals."

"So he actually feed this fuckers?" Hank asked

"Something wrong for caring for animals?" I asked, he then turned away.

"R.T" suddenly Connor said. "Probably initials"

"He put initials in his jacket? That's something your mom does when you're in first grade." Connor then walked to a table and grabbed a card.

"The driver's license is fake."

"Cool, at least we didn't come for nothing." I then walked to a bathroom that had a wall filled with 'rA9' the same thing the other android, Carlos Ortiz's android wrote in the wall. Connor and Hank then came in.

"Any idea what it means?" Hank asked.

"rA9, written 2471 times... It's the same sign Ortiz's android wrote on the shower wall. Why are they obsessed with this sign?"

"Looks like mazes or something."

"Or maybe it's a code." I said. Hank then exited the room and Connor walked to the bathroom sink, he then putted his fingers in the sink and licked it he zoned out for a bit. "It's LED was on the sink"

"No suprised it was an android. No human could live with all these fucking pigeons." Hank said,  Connor then crouched down and analyzed the chair. He then walked over to the living room and analyzed a bird cage. He then looked to a hole that was on the wall, I then walked over to the whole and looked at it for a bit, suddenly the android jumped on me.

"God damn fuckin' pigeons" Hank said as the deviant ran away. Connor then looked at me like he was going to help me, but then Hank interrupted.

"What are you waiting for? Chase it!" Hank said 

Connor then ran after it. I then stood up and went after them we knew we couldn't do all those crazy things and we went through a safer way. Hank suddenly pushed me away and went out the door first, when I opened the door I saw Hank getting pushed over by the deviant. Suddenly I grabbed Hank and Connor suddenly helped out too, which suprised me because I thought he only cared about his mission, when we finally got Hank up he got up and said.

"Shit! Oh SHIT! We had it! Fuck."

"It's my fault, I should have been faster." I then looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"You'd caught it if it weren't me... That's alright. We know what it looks like. We'll find it." Hank then headed to the door and started walking I putted my hand on his shoulder, the then turned around and smiled at him, suddenly Hank turned around and said.

"Hey Connor..." He then turned around and looked at Hank. "Nothing..." Hank said as he turned away.

"I'll just say it for him. Thank you." I said to him I saw his LED turn a bit red for a second then turned blue then I followed Hank.

(Edited story after finished ;-; sorry)

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