Chapter 4

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"Alright clothes are next, do you have any likes in specific?" She said as she went upstairs.

"Not really" I said following her.

"I think I have the perfect outfit for you!" She said as she went through her closet.

" you mind if I stay here with you..? It's ok if you don't want me to stay I totally unde-"

"What? No no no it's alright I wanted company for a long time!"

"Oh really that's a relief"

Suddenly Emma came back with some jeans and a (F/C) long sleeve sleeve shirt.

"Emma... do you mind if I work? I know it's a bit dangerous and all of that stuff, but don't you think I should start working so I could start a new life? To... you know, try and forget everything.

"Oh! Of course not. I'm not like your mother or something. Heh...actually I am also trying to look for a job I have been thinking I like a fashion designer you know?"

"Yeah I think it would fit right with your personality."

"Does that mean something?" she chuckles. "Well I will show your room for you to go to rest mode alright?"


"Follow me"

I followed Emma to another room, it was medium size, it is probably more than I needed.

"Well it's currently 11 pm so you should enter rest mode so you can wake up and go look for a job."

"Oh, yes of course."

"Well good night (Y/N)"

"Good night, and again thank you."

"No problem!" 

She said as she closed the door of my room. I knew I couldn't keep my android clothes and had to change my apparence, I knew I was a rare model but still I can never be too careful. I took off my android clothes and went to the bathroom to throw them in the trash can.

I saw my self in the mirror trying to recognize who I was...

Was I really just a machine?

Was I living being?

Or was I just... nothing?

I changed my hair color from the (Any color you like) to a (H/C). I felt like my self... like I was someone or something new with my (H/L) (H/C) and my (E/C) eyes.

I went the bed and saw other clothes Emma had putted there for me since I was in the bathroom. I changed into one of them that were for "sleeping" and rested on the bed finally going to rest mode.

I woke up to a voice. Emma's voice.

"(Y/N) wake up! It's 9 am " Emma said

"Oh sorry."

"It's alright, come on we have to go look for a job." She said while she left my room and letting me change to the outfit she gave me yesterday. I as I felt the house trying to look for a job I could have I already had an idea but I wasn't sure.

(Time skip cuz I'm lazy to write all the things)

I went to a police department and the first thing I am greeted by is this.

"Hey cutie, are you lost" (Oh god I feel dirty writing this) a young man said to me.

"No, I'm trying to get a job here." I said trying to look confident and not look nervous.

"Well I bet I'll see you around..." He said while smirking.

I rolled my eyes an- (TIME SKIPPPPPP)

I got the job and would be starting tomorrow but Captain Flower allowed me to set up, he said I would be working with some guy called Hank Anderson. He warned me that some times he can be cold but would get used to and later on get warm. I was also assigned the desk infront of his. I setted on my desk and figured out I could start looking on what I was getting my self into I knew it was about deviants and hoped to help them escape, after all we just want to be free, as well being the only android in the office would have it's advantages. 

What could go wrong?

(Sorry for this shitty chapter it's 12 AM and I'm bored )

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