Chapter 8

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Connor entered the interogation room. Before he sat down he browsed the file where there were photos of the victim aswell with some information. He then sat down, he stood there for a minute or two, I guessed he was analyzing him, like his burnt skin... and dried blood and stuff he had I guess. Suddenly he spoke up.

"I detect an instability in your program. It can trigger an unpleasant feeling, like fear in humans." Still the android stood there, saying zero words.

He then pulled the file infront of him so he could look at it.  

"You recognize him? It's Carlos Ortiz. Stabbed, 28 times." He then moved to the next picture which was the knife and on the wall written ' I AM ALIVE ' then Connor spoke up. 

"That was written on the wall with his blood... You're accused of murder. You know you're not allowed to endanger human life under any circumstances. Do you have anything to say in you're defense? You don't seem to understand the situation. You killed a human. They'll tear you apart if you don't say anything." he was getting more intense by the second.

"I'm here to help you. But you've got to trust me. All I want is to get you out of here." His head suddenly looked up... he looked around before finally speaking.

"What... what are they going do to me? They're going to destroy me, aren't they?" I felt so bad for this innocent android... he was just defending him self... Connor suddenly spoke.

"They are going to disassemble you to look for problems in your bicomponents. They have no choice if they want to understand what happened. " Connor said coldly. 

"Why did you told them you found me? Why couldn't you just left me there?" 

"I was programmed to hunt deviants like you. I just accomplised my mission." That made me sad... he really was determianted to stay a machine...

"I don't want to die..."

"Then talked to me." 

"I... I can't..." This poor android... he's like a scared puppy...

"If you don't talk, they're going to tear you apart and analyze you piece by piece. They're going to destroy you, do you understand? Ok then, don't talk" Connor said as he lend on the chair. 

"Why do I care after all? I mean, I'm not the one accused of murder, right? Confess and I'll protect you. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." The android suddenly confessed.

"He tortured me every day... I did whatever he told me, but... there was always something wrong" those words reminded me of Zach... he was like me... he was obedient and... he still got punished... 

"Then one day... he took a bat and started hitting me... For the first time I felt" the android paused a bit... "scared. Scared he might destroy me, scared I might die. So I grabbed the knife and I stabbed him in the stomach... I felt better... so I stabbed him again and again!.. until he collapsed..." There was silence for a moment... "There was blood everywhere." Connor then asked.

"Why did you write 'I AM ALIVE' on the wall?" 

"He used to tell me I was nothing... That I was just a piece of plastic... I had to write it... To tell him he was wrong..."

"The sculpture in the bathroom, you made it right? What does it represent?" 

"It's an offering, an offering so I'll be saved..."

"The sculpture was an offering... An offering to whom? 

"To rA9. Only rA9 can save us." 

"rA9, it was written on the bathrooom wall. What does it mean?" 

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