Chapter 6

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"Nice work, Connor."

"Thank you detective..." 

"(L/N) but you can call me (Y/N), detective (L/N) sounds way tooo fancy for me." I said as I giggled a bit.

We all got in the car, we drove for about 5 minutes, it wasn't that far away. The place was completly full with sound of sirens of the police cars.

"You both stay here." Hank said.

"Whatever you say, Lieutenant."

"Fucking-A, whatever I say."

"B-but" Before I could finish my words, Hank already shut the door.

"Come on, let's go" I said with a bit of anger in my tone. I wasn't just gonna sit around in the car waiting for him to solve the case, we were a team and were we're gonna solve this together.

"But Lieutenant-"

"We're a team, Connor, come on."

We both got off the car, we followed Hank until a police officer stopped us.

"Androids are not permitted beyond this point."

"He is with me." I said.

"What part of 'stay in the car' didn't you two understand?" 

"Well we weren't just going to stay there watching, we were assigned to his homicide together."

Hank stayed quiet for a bit until he finally spoke up.

"You don't talk, you don't touch anything and you stay out of my way, got it" Hank said as he looked at both of us.

"Got it" Connor and I said at the same time, it made me smile a bit.

"Evening, Hank" an officer said. "We were starting to thinking you weren't gonna show"

"Yeah that was the plan until this asshole found me, and (Y/N) is ok..." (A/N: Please don't hate meee D:)

"So... you got yourself an android and a girlfriend?" 

"Oh very funny, just tell us what happened" 

The officer started walking inside, so we followed him.

"We had a call around eight from the landlord. The tenant hadn't pay his rent for a few months, so he thought he'd drop by, see what's going on... that's when he found the body..."

"Jesus, that smell!" 

It did smell pretty bad... but neither of Connor and I bothered really.

"Was even worse before we opened the windows..."

Hank suddenly turned around to me.

"(Y/N) how can you tolerate the smell... Jesus Christ"

"Oh well..." I tried to think of an excuse, this could maybe give away I'm an android... I didn't want that, I had a job... I had a house... I was working with a cute andr- WHAT?! D-did I just- FORGET IT MAKE AN EXCUSE! QUICKK!

"I have... been on worse... I guess..."

"Jesus I'm not even going to ask..." 

"Ahem... as I was saying... the victim's name's Carlos Ortiz. He has a record for theft and aggravated assult... According to the neighbors, he was kind of a loner. Stayed inside of the time, they hardly ever saw him."

"Uh, state he's in... Wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night." Hank said as he got closer to the body.

"Could've waited 'til morning"

"I'd said he's been there for a good three weeks. We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over there..." the officer said as he pointed to a knife in the floor. "Probably the murder weapon."

"Any signs of a break-in?" I suddenly said since I was just standing there like I was a statue.

"Nope" the officer answered.  "The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, all the windows were boarded up. The killer must've gone the back way."

"What do we know about his android" Hank asked.

"Not much. The neighbors confirmed he had one, but it wasn't here when we arrived." 

It wasn't here when we arrived... it must be him... he killed him, well it's kind of obvious it was android since we were assigned to every case that included a deviant, but I decided not to say anything.

"I need to get some fresh air." Hank said

"Make yourself at home" 

"(Y/N) are you coming?" Hank asked me.

"Nah I'm good, I'm going to try to find some clues with Connor." I smiled at him

"Alright, kiddo." Did he just.... did he just call me kiddo..? Well I guess that's a start... from just being a 'ok' to a 'kiddo' I guess that's process...   " I'll be outside if you need me" 

Suddenly Connor took walked over to a table that was nearby, it looked like he was analyzing something. Suddenly I remembered what I thought a few minutes ago...  'I tried to think of an excuse, this could maybe give away I'm an android... I didn't want that, I had a job... I had a house... I was working with a cute andr- WHAT?! D-did I just- FORGET IT MAKE AN EXCUSE! QUI-'  my thoughts were interrupted by Connor, damn that happens a lot to me.

"Detectiv- I mean (Y/N) are you feeling alright? You seem to be... distracted" 

'He's so cute when he's worried... but he's a machine... determined to complete his mission, not a deviant...'

"Oh... yeah I was just thinking... anyways, what did you find on that table?"

"Red ice, it seems like Carlos Ortiz had consumed it."

"Well that might be useful later on..." 

Suddenly Connor walked to evidence number 2 which was the knife. What he did next suprised me a bit... he putted a bit of the victim's blood and... licked it... strange...but alright, he just doing his job... suddenly Hank entered.

"Err Jesus! What the hell are you doing?" 

"I'm analyzing the blood" Connor said in a totally calmed voice like it was totalllyyyy normal to just put some blood on your fingers and lick it. (A/N: It's normal for me.... uhm... back to the story...)

"I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry, I should've warned you." Looking at both of us.

I decided just to nod.

"Ok, just... don't... put any more evidence in your mouth, got it?" 

"Got it..." Then Connor looked back at his fingers. I couldn't help to chuckle a bit.

"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit." 

Connor kept looking at his fingers, I guessed he was just processing all of the blood data and stuff. Connor then looked at the knife for a bit.

"Found anything Connor?" 

"Yes, there are no finger prints on the knife, so his android might have done this."

FrICk, he is good...

(ALRIGHTTTTTYYY, I'm going to stop the chapter here and make another one tomorrow since I have to study, and it already has 1000 words, kind of getting the hang of it! 

Hope you enjoyed!)

Connected Connor x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora