Chapter One *edited*

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Hello, I'm Ecstasy. I'm 15 going on 16 in five months, and I'm adopted.

My adoptive parents took me in when I was 12 weeks old, and since then they've raised me as their own. I have three adoptive siblings. My brother is Brian, he's 18. My sisters are Klara (she's 12) and Maria (she's 3). Only Maria is the real daughter of my adoptive parents.

I have three best friends: Adam, Alexis, and Lexi. They've known me since kindergarten; Adam and Alexis are adopted...but they know who their real parents are. They get to see them once a month and interact with them.

I don't. Every-time I ask my parents, they lie to me or change the subject. It bothers me, because I want to know who my birth parents are. I wish they would just tell me, and not hide it from me. Not even my siblings know who they are, and Dad tells Brian everything.

I was sitting in my room, blaring the album Fallen by Evanescence. As I was singing along to Going Under, I was sketching the beautiful face of Jayy Von Monroe. My brother Brian barged in, scaring me to death, emitting a scream from me. He started laughing, collapsing on my bed. I rolled my eyes, moving my sketch pad over. I looked at him, raising my eyebrow.

"What is it Brian?" I asked

"Mom says we're going to the mall later."


"Do you wanna go?" Brian groaned as if it were obvious

"Uhm, duh." I laughed

Brian rolled his green eyes, "You're in charge of Maria then," he smirked

I whined, "That's not fair bubba!" I cried

He laughed, getting comfortable on my bed, "I had her the last time and nobody trusts Klara with her so," Brian carried

"Ugh," I huffed

"You know you love that little kid," Brian retorted

"I do, but still," I replied, hopping off my bed

I walked to my life-size mirror, checking my black and red hair. I brushed it out, applying some thick black eyeliner. Brian left the room, bored. After adding llipstick, I snapped in my nose piercing, grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight-fitting Metallica crop top.

My mom walked in as I was buttoning up my jeans, and I smiled at her, "Hi mama," I said

"Hey sweetie. I'm gonna actually let you and Brian go off at the mall today. Alone," Mom said, sitting on my bed

I turned around abruptly, wide eyed, "Are you serious?"


I pounced at her, "Yes!"

She laughed, hugging me back, "Enjoy it. I'm leaving Maria with Grandma Rosa," Mom smiles

"Why?" I replied, getting off her body and moving to sit beside her

"She doesn't want to go with us," Mom said, "Honey, do you need more hair-dye? Your hair seems....faded,"

"You noticed that too?" I laughed, "Yeah, I'll go by Sally's and buy some."

Mom smiles, "Sounds good. Don't forget the bleach for your roots. And gloves! Now get your shoes on," she said, getting off my bed

"Okay," I said, grabbing my black Toms

I followed her out of my room, finding Brian and Maria in the living room, play-fighting. I roll my eyes, it's typical for them to do that. I walk into the kitchen, getting accidentally kicked by Maria. I groan, rubbing my thigh where her foot collided with the muscle.

"SOWWIE SISSY!" Maria cried, wrapping her arms around my leg

I laughed and smiled at her, "It's okay baby girl. Now Brian be careful with her. I don't want her getting mauled," I said, grabbing a Coke from the fridge

Mom walked in, and I handed her a cup of coffee. She smiled her thanks, and then I saw my Dad. I tackled him, hanging on his back like a monkey. He chuckled, holding onto my thighs and throwing me down onto the couch. I dramatically roll off and stare at him in faux anger.

"Asswipe," I teased

Mom and Dad rolled their eyes, and then Mom grabbed her keys.

"Are we ready to go?" She asked

I shot out the door, claiming shotgun. I pulled out my ITouch, plugging one earphone in. I let my iPod shuffle, landing on "Sexting" by Blood on the Dance Floor. I instantly smiled, turning up the volume. I stare out the window, waiting for everyone to get situated.

As I felt the car move, I heard my mom's radio turn on. Maria's music was playing: Justin Bieber. He's not that bad, but at least it's not Barney bullshit. I can't deal with the stupid purple dinosaur anymore. Maria drove us mad with it constantly.

After dropping Maria off, Mom switched the music to NameSake, a Christian Rock Band who were amazing. (I suggest you look up their song "Worlds Away"!) I saw the mall in the distance, and Mom dropped us off.

"HOT TOPIC!" Brian and I screamed, running to where the store was located

I beat him there, walking towards the CDs. I picked up "Epic", BOTDF's older album from (I think) 2009 or 2010. I already had a copy, so I handed it to Brian, who didn't have one.

"Wait they have it!" Brian yelled

I laughed, "Yeah, now you can have a poster all to yourself," I roll my blue eyes and pick up "Set The World On Fire" by Black Veil Brides, their latest album. I decided to get it, considering I only had an ITunes copy.

Brian disappeared to the band tee section, and I decided to look at their makeup. I took a left, slamming accidentally into someone. I gasped, falling onto my butt.

Well that's embarrassing, "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I cried on instinct

The person laughed, "It's okay. I didn't see you. I'm sorry for knocking you down,"

They offered their hand, and I grabbed it. They hoisted me up, and then I saw who I hit.

My eyes widened. My breath caught in my throat. Tears were filling. My mouth hung open. My skin turned cold. My heart picked up speed.

I had bumped into....


Well That Was Unexpected (A BOTDF/Evanescence Story) **BEING EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now