Chapter Three *edited*

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(Jayy's POV)

There was something about Ecstasy. Something that intrigued me. Hell it even made me question my own sexuality. She's beautiful--inside and out. She already has a great personality it seems, and she's pretty nice to look at, not gonna lie.

She was in the middle of laughing with Dahvie and Brian about something, and I snapped out of my thoughts. Her laugh was beautiful. She was smiling, her eyes twinkling in the artificial light of the mall. I watched on as she cracked another joke, causing Dahvie to snort and Brian to roll his eyes fondly.

Her brown eyes moved over to me, and she blushed. Shit! She caught me staring. I blushed too, glancing away, playing it off absolutely horribly. Dahvie and Brian sent us raised eyebrows, before proceeding to head into Spencers.

I saw Ecstasy glare at the store, before walking inside. I laughed, she probably despises the sex shit they carry in the back of the store. I lowkey don't blame her, it's annoying seeing immature teens playing with flimsy dildos as if they really are toys. But of course, that's exactly where Dahvie and Brian went too.

"My brother is such a perv," Ecstasy face-palmed, and I chuckled.

"I'm used to it."

I put an arm around her and lead her out of the store. She leaned into my side, and I could hear Dahvie's loud laughter as we walked farther from the store. We walked for a while in quiet, enjoying the comfortable silence that surrounded us. I could feel Ecstasy's body heat through my shirt, and I was a indulging in it before I heard her speak.

"Where are we going anyways?" Ecstasy asked

"Somewhere quieter. I'm getting annoyed with the sounds of kids," She giggled, making me smile, "There's just oh so much a guy can handle!"

We had decided to go ahead and sit near the skating rink, watching people skate on the ice. I bought I and Ecstasy an ice cream, even though she protested, saying she could buy. I denied of course, and she caved.

She bit into the vanilla ice cream cone, sighing. I raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking of my real parents. Did they even love me when they gave me away?" Ecstasy whispered to herself, sniffling a bit, her nose scrunching.

"Oh honey, I'm sure they did love you. I'm also sure they regret giving you away. Maybe they couldn't raise you, and gave you to your new family so you could have a better life." I said, giving her a hug

"It's just....why give me up? And never let me know who they are? I've been told I have a brother, and that my mother is strikingly beautiful, but I can't get anybody to tell me who they are!" She said in desperation

"Sweetheart, I swear to you, if you need me too, I WILL find your family." I promised

She looked at me in absolute disbelief, "You mean it?"

"Yes. I have connections," I said

She hugged me tightly in gratitude, "Thank you so much, Jayy,"

I smiled to myself, hugging her just as tightly, "Anytime, Ecstasy,"

We sat and ate for a while before Dahvie and Brian found us, interrupting our conversation. As they sit with us, I catch myself looking at Ecstasy as she speaks, her voice music to my ears. She doesn't notice this time, but Dahvie does, and he smiles to himself.

My phone buzzes the next second, and I read the text, "Stop eyeloving her."

I roll my eyes, but I can't help but think.

Am I really falling for her?

Well That Was Unexpected (A BOTDF/Evanescence Story) **BEING EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now