Chapter Four *edited*

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Since you guys continued to comment about me updating, I felt obliged to update for you. I wasn't planning any updates with this story, because I thought people didn't read it and hated it. But according to the comments, I was wrong! Thank you guys so much for at least letting me know this story doesn't suck, and here is an update.

Anyway, enjoy!

(Ecstasy's POV)

I honestly don't deserve Jayy's help. My parents gave me up, so be it. They didn't want me, they needed to move on. It's like they knew their daughter would be a fuck-up, and they didn't want to handle it. Handle me.

And it tore me to pieces.

But what can I do? Why am I even complaining? I have an amazing family who I've known my entire life. They cared for me when my real parents didn't. And my siblings were perfect. This is the only family I've ever known, and honestly, I don't want to know any other family.

But I knew damn well, in the back of my mind, I wanted to know my birth-parents.

"Hey, we're gonna drive you two home," Dahvie said, appearing in front of me, "You okay cupcake?"

"Yeah, yeah, just thinking," I smiled, brushing it off, when in reality, I was not okay.

I knew Dahvie didn't buy it, but we strolled to "Burnt Marshmallow" and hopped in. After our address was put in the GPS, music started blaring from the stereo, and we hit the road. Brian looked over at me confusedly, noticing my reserved state.

"Are you okay?" He mouthed

"I'll talk to you about it at home," I mouthed back, and he nodded unsurely. I glanced out the window, sighing heavily. Jayy looked at me from the rearview mirror with sad eyes, before flickering his sight to the road underneath us.

An hour later, we reached me and Brian's house. We exchanged numbers, and I got hugs from them both, before we headed into our house, getting hit with the smell of dinner. Brian pulled me to his room, sitting me on the bed.

"What's going on?" Brian asked

"Just thinking about my birth parents." I replied nonchalantly

"Why?" Brian scoffed

"Because I want to know why they gave me up," I say as if it were obvious

"Does it really matter to you?" Brian asked

"Yes, it actually does. I need to know what I did wrong to make them throw me out. Why they didn't love me? Why wasn't I good enough for fucking love?" My eyes filled with tears, and Brian tackled me in a hug

"We love you, that's what truly matters right now, okay?" Brian whispered

I nodded, unable to speak through my tears. I curled into his arms, crying. He rubbed my back as I sobbed, and Mom came and found us and I heard her sigh heavily before Brian was replaced by her. I felt my heart throb as I wished my real mom was holding me instead.

(Jayy's POV)

"We have to find that girls birth-parents," I said as they entered their house

Dahvie looked at me, nodding in agreement, "I know. She's destroyed over it."

"How do we even find them? What if they aren't even alive?" I ask

"Then so be it, we tell her. Otherwise, we just call some peeps and badabing badaboom, birth parents here we come!" Dahvie said, starting the car

"Yeah, like it's that easy Dahv," I laughed

"It was easy in my mind!"

"Yeah, with that head of hair of yours, anything is easy," I laughed and he scoffed

"Asshole!" He cried

"You love me!" He laughs, before asking, "So, did you like her?"

I nod, "Dude she's great. She's like you but in female form,"

"I meant, do you like like her? I saw the way you were looking at her don't play me," Dahvie responds

"I mean, yeah, she's gorgeous. But she'd never go for me. Like ever."

"What makes you think that?" He asks

"Because I wouldn't treat her right. I know I'd end up hurting her one way or another. It always happens,"

"Never say never, my dude."

Well That Was Unexpected (A BOTDF/Evanescence Story) **BEING EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now