Ship shorts

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You read the title

Reich x USSR

Soviet: *puts ushanka on her/his head*
Third: ..
Soviet: omg
Third: I can't see

That's a remake lmao and I still love these two <3

France x Germany ft. Andorra

(I got this off of a post on Reddit lmao)
Andorra: GerGer?
Germany: >currently on a computer< Hm?
Andorra: what game are you playing?
France: >in the living room - face palm<
Germany: pay the bills
Andorra: are you winning?
Germany: no
(Not a living room anymore I guess)

Germany: :c
France: what?
Germany: you haven't hugged me yet today
France: holy shit you can be cute sometimes
Germany: hugs arm
France: silently hugs back

UK x Argentina:

Argentina: I HATE YOU
UK: well I hate you too!
UK: well I also love you too!
Argentina: what
UK: what


Argentina: hi
UK: sorry i don't speak broke
Argentina: grabs a chainsaw out of nowhere


Argentina: hows brexit
UK: *stares into distance* idk, haven't seen 'em.
Argentina: forgets how to breathe

Denmark x Greenland:
(I ship weird stuff huh)

Denmark: do you not feel..sad?
Greenland: why would I?
Denmark: aren't you lonely?
Greenland: No, I have everything I love in you.
Denmark: tears form


Denmark: damn i-its cold..
Greenland: >takes off hoodie and puts it on Mark< better?
Denmark: i fucking love this guy

Canada x Norway:

Norway: >gazing at Nada whilst he speaks<

Canada: ;-; hello?

Norway: >probably fantasising about him<

Canada: kissu


North Korea (NK) x China:

China: you're cute
NK: no im not..
China: yes, yes you are
NK: no
China: yes
NK: i will nuke you
China: ...
NK: blushes furiously
China: still cute
NK: oh my gOD i lOVe u

That's all for now my countrytale childrennn

It's 1 and I have school why tf am I awake

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