chapter fifteen

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Wanda's POV

My clone laughed emotionlessly, stepping backwards so I could see the full might of the Light and their army of assassins. I just cocked a brow in return, making eye contact with my 'sister' after another quick survey of the enemy. "That's the best you can do? Puh-lease."

The Scarlet Witch shook her head, tsking as she did. "Wanda, dearie, you should know better. I can do everything you can. After all, I am you."

"No, you're the cheap knock off because the real deal can't be contained. You're nothing compared to me." I grinned when I saw the muscle under her right eye twitch. Guess she isn't as emotionless as the Light thought.

"Oh yeah? Could a cheap knock off do this?" The Scarlet Witch's hand shot out, aiming a hex blast at Artemis and Wally.

Before she could fire it, I put a forcefield around the Witch and muttered a quick spell under my breath. "The Scarlet Witch's powers only affect those touched by the Light." I released her from the forcefield, nodding at my clone. "Go ahead, throw that hex blast. I dare you."

"Why you -" She growled, aiming her scarlet hands at me instead. She fired the hex blast hitting me square on the chest and knocking me back into my friends. I groaned, standing up as the Witch cackled. "Aren't so tough now, are you, sister?"

"Oh, you have no idea who you are messing with." My eyes lit up with energy as I flew at the abomination, my hands wrapping around her throat as I tackled her into the army of assassins. The assassins tried to jump at us but I threw them back with a telekinetic blast, narrowing my focus in on my clone. I summoned more energy as I shot a hex bolt at the Scarlet Witch who easily dodged it, the bolt hitting an unassuming assassin instead. Gritting my teeth, I created whips made out of pure scarlet energy and flung them at my knock off, wrapping one around her throat and pulling her towards me. Once she was within range, I punched her in the face, sending her flying backwards.

I taught her that move.

Shut up and fight, Dick.

Oh, right, why are we letting Wanda here have all the fun?

I rolled my eyes as I sensed my friends and the Justice League charge into battle behind me. I was too focused on my clone, who appeared to be unconscious. But I knew looks could be deceiving, so I wrapped her up tightly in chains made of my energy before I turned my attention to finding my secondary target.

Ra's Al Ghul.

I flew up high above the battle as I scoured the scene below me, noticing the aged assassin at the edge of scene observing like the coward he is. With a snarl, I shot a hex bolt at him before landing next to him, scarlet energy pulsing throughout my body and limbs. When the smoke cleared, Ra's stared at me blankly. "Why, Wanda. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I think you know, Al Ghul." I spat out, curling my fists at my side and bringing them up in front of my face. In doing so I constricted Al Ghul's airways and he began to claw at his own throat, trying to detach the invisible hands. I grinned sinisterly, tightening my fists even more. "You wanted me dead, but the only death you will get is your own."

"Wanda...look around you...your friends will" Al Ghul gasped out pathetically, trying desperately to beg for his life.

I rolled my eyes to the side, noticing Conner and Jason had paused their fighting to watch me curiously. I scoffed, turning back to Ra's. I released my hold on him. "You're right." I sighed, walking up to him and gripping the sides of his head tightly. "So let them." I hissed right before snapping his neck and ending his miserable existence. I looked back over to see Conner had already gone back to fighting but Jason just stared at me, an unreadable expression on his face. "What? You've killed before, why can't I?"

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