Part V: Power Awakened: Rise of the Green Moon

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Previously on Two Moons, Two Brothers, Two Slayer. Our young warrior is fighting against the goblin horde as his family's life falls in his hands. With Chibi Slayer fending off against a goblin that is clawing at his face, our young warrior slings his ax. Rolling the dice, we see if the odds are in your favor.

(A/N: Again, may be some stuff not for younger viewers. ONLY WARNING!)




And with a skull-splitting crack and a thud I see my brother move out of the way and the goblin slowly slides down to the floor with it's head split open still spewing out blood. I see another goblin spread my mother's legs...the lust in his eyes and showing his smile full of crooked teeth as he was going to make my mother a play thing. Adrenaline pumped into my shaky legs as I charge the ugly bastard.

(Y/N): "STAY AWAY FROM HERRRR!!" I charge the monster, pinning it to the floor before punching it a few times until I heard a that would haunt me forever...


My heart sank, my stomach twisted into knots, and as I turned around to see what happened I saw mother...blood spraying and running down her neck. I froze in shock as another goblin did the same to my sister, completely decapitating her. Holding my sister's head by her once luscious locks. Time seemed to almost stand still...I feel myself fall into a dark abyss with multiple voices around me




and that one word kept repeating




'Brother?' I snapped back into reality 'That's right, I still have my brother to protect!'

The goblin that was under me stabbed a small dagger in my right leg. I looked down at it as it had a smile on it's disgusting face but that soon changed as it look back to my face. I pulled the dagger from my leg and repeatedly stabbed it in between his eyes. I swing the blade to get the blood and brain matter off of it.

(Y/N): "If you are getting out alive...THEN YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!!"

I stab a goblin mid-air that was about to pounce on my little brother. Chibi Slayer looks at me in fear as he sees me impale the goblin above us as it sprinkles us in it's blood.

Chibi Slayer: "Y..y-y/n? Your're eye! It's glowing red like it's on fire!"

I ignore him as I go on a bloody rampage. I grab my brother's wooden sword and throw it at a goblin on the table causing it to fall back first onto the table. I push my brother to the side and jump, bringing my blade down on the goblin's stomach. I pull out the blade only to slam it back in, finding enjoyment in the little bastard's screams and torment. With one last slam the table snaps in half along with the dagger. 

I dash towards the goblin holding my sister's head slowly lowering it to his crotch. I see red as I tackle the goblin and cut his arm off with the broken dagger.

(A/N: Old School Berserk Style. Back when you could show blood in anime and people wouldn't flip out.)

The goblin screams in pain as I cut off the other arm before silencing him with a stab the head and a twist. With one more goblin left in our house and trying to make my mother it's plaything I charge at it screaming. It looks at me and slowly walks toward me. I found it weird as it put it's claws up and slowly walks towards me, almost in a trance. Being controlled by adrenaline and anger I continue to charge at it as blood gushes from my wound and put it in a choke-hold and start to squeeze. I keep on squeezing even with it clawing at my arms. And I just keep squeezing and squeezing AND SQUEEZING AND SQUEEZING until I heard a POP.

I drop it's disgusting, lifeless body and once I see that no more goblins are in our house I slowly walk and hug my sister's head. Bawling my eyes out, I walk over to my mother who is still holding on to dear life...barely...

(Y/N): "D...don't worry mom I killed them and they are gone and we'll get you help and...and..." I start crying but my mom weakly cups my cheek.

Mom: "t..t-take y..your b-b-brother and ssssurvive...I youuu..." her hand leaves my face and falls to the floor and her eyes glaze over. I hug her and start crying.

(Y/N): "Mom...sister...come back...COME BACK!!" I use my free hand to slam the ground

(Y/N): "I'll kill them all... EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF THEM!!" I look up to the sky  

Chibi Slayer: "B...b-brother? You're still have the red fire on your left eye..but a green fire on your left eye...i..i-it looks like I'm looking at the moons."

I walk to the goblin's corpses to find any armor or weapons. As I'm ripping off pieces of armor I feel my right leg shaking and the pain finally kicks in.

(Y/N): "Go get the first aid kit..."

He rushes to the kitchen or what's left of it and grabs the first aid kits. I sit down right next to the spoils and grabs the first aid kit. I open the kit and opens the bottle of alcohol

Chibi Slayer: "Here."

He hands me a belt that wasn't dowsed in blood. I bite down on the belt and pour the alcohol on the wound. I grit my teeth and covers my mouth with my hand to stifle the screams.

Chibi Slayer: "Please...stop...I know it hurts so stop..."

I shake my head and pour more alcohol before wrapping it in gauze and slowly getting up. My brother lets me lean on him as I pull out the cane/sword and sheathe it to use it as a cane.

(Y/N): "Come on Goblin Slayer. We have to get out of here. Go get any bags and anything we'll need."

Chibi Slayer: "Goblin Slayer?"

(Y/N): "You just got promoted"

Goblin Slayer: "The soup got red..."

I look to see what he meant and he was right...our favorite dish...tainted with blood and a small eye pops out of it. I turn us both around and hands him some armor and a dagger. We slowly walk out of our once comfortable home. 

Goblin Slayer: "Where are we going..."

(Y/N): "The lumberjack's house. He's our best bet and closest option."

Goblin Slayer nods before we slowly sneak our way to the lumberjack's house. Hugging the walls of destroyed homes, we take a short break letting a few goblins past by us and I catch my brother looking at me.

(Y/N): "What is it?" I say whispering.

Goblin Slayer: "The flames are gone..." he lets a sigh of relief and I stay there looking off to nothing.

(Y/N): 'How do I respond to that?' 

We continue walking to the lumberjack's house. As we get closer we hear a spine-chilling shriek. We run to the front of the house and look through the massive holes in the door.

(Y/N): "We're too late..."

(A/N: Too late for what exactly? Find out in the next chapter! Enough said, see you in the next one! WRYYYYYY!)

Word Count: 1232

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