Chapter 2

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Johnny T had managed to get into the inner circle of AXE leader Dwight Wagner—known as Dagger to members. They met frequently at a dilapidated abandoned warehouse that served as the group's central meeting place.

"Hey Dagger, what's Bedlam's problem? How come that idiot is so afraid of MAA supporters actually showing how they feel?" Johnny drawled after they'd watched the latest World Connect broadcast. "After all, he's supposed to be their leader."

"Devan Bedlam is not the champion of a true militant movement," Dagger replied, his tone animated by disdain. "He's merely a marionette for the affluent orchestrators of that party. I tell ya, Johnny, true militant extremism can only be rooted in the underground. That's why I've put this group together. We need to make people see past all the bullshit and realize America stands alone as the only country that matters." Dagger punctuated his words by slamming his fist into the palm of his other hand.

Dwight had been a street urchin in his early teen years and was extremely street savvy. He had a charismatic appeal that had brought him and his younger brother Lucas to the forefront of several extremist street gangs. With AXE, he aimed at attracting a group of like-thinking young adults who shared his beliefs and his anger. He'd been delighted when he'd managed to recruit the disenchanted sons and daughters from very wealthy MAA-supporting families—finally, he began to receive the funding and connections he needed to develop his


master plan. Johnny had managed to record an incriminating conversation between Dagger and one such son, Morris Johns, confirming that the funding he'd promised was in place.

As the days went by, Johnny T could sense Dagger's anger growing. "We need to be heard, Johnny. These bastards have finally taken things too far with all this World Harmony garbage. Have you heard that idiot Westgale talking about leading the rest of the world through its darkest hours?" He paused and looked at Johnny, who had time only to nod before Dagger continued his tirade. "Yeah, that's right, let's just hand them money so they can find a way to bring us to our darkest hour!"

Dagger became increasingly emotional, and Johnny T knew he'd have to tread carefully to continue gaining Dagger's trust. When Dagger punctuated his vitriolic pronouncements by demanding loudly, "Are you with us, man? Can I count on you, bro?" Johnny knew his response needed to be filled with raw emotion.

"I'm with you, brother. I have two uncles who died in battle for this country." He swiped a hand over his brow as if overcome with anger himself. "I'm not about to stand by and watch some slick- talking PBA politicians just stomp all over their memories, as if their lives didn't matter. We need to send a message—loud and clear!"

Dagger nodded once, vigorously. "And if we go down for this, at least we'll be martyrs for a great cause. And for those who are willing to enable this Peace-Bringer government by entering those buildings on the day of reckoning... well, their demise will be highly welcomed," he finished ominously.

As the next few days passed, the plan started to take shape. The group had acquired a massive collection of artillery, including several high-tech explosive devices.

"Where's all this stuff coming from, man?" asked Johnny T.

"Let's just say I've got some very good contacts," replied Dagger with a smirk.

"Seriously, brother, you have some amazing stuff here. It has to be coming from somewhere," said Johnny, hoping Dagger would open up.

"My own connection won't even tell me exactly where the stuff's coming from," Dagger admitted.

Johnny T backed off; no point jeopardizing the trust he'd earned so far. Instead, Johnny sent loads of flash images and audio recordings back to General Sims's office to help build a solid case against AXE. He also relayed the most crucial information of all: the targets would be six government buildings, which would be attacked simultaneously at 9:30 a.m. on a Tuesday.

Two days before the attacks were to take place, Johnny T had relayed enough incriminating evidence that General Sims ordered his federal agents to move in and begin making arrests. Sims, along with a select team of agents, also moved on the warehouse headquarters, seizing the group's artillery, along with $25 million in cash, while Dagger was down the street at Stacy's Diner, where Johnny T had set up a meeting.

Johnny had arrived early and ordered the diner cleared, then settled into a booth by the window to wait for Dagger to arrive. Minutes later, Dagger swaggered into the diner, dressed in his usual camouflage garb.

"Johnny, my man," he practically crowed as he slid into the booth opposite Johnny T. He leaned over the table and dropped his voice to an exultant undertone. "Just a little less than forty-eight hours from now, our mission will be accomplished." He whooshed out an amazed sigh and sat back, eyes on Johnny, shaking his head. "Wow! I feel an amazing rush, bro." He looked around for the waitress and realized the diner was empty. "Whoa, it's really dead in here this morning; usually this place is crammed at this time of day. I don't even see Stacy."

"Oh, she told me she had to step out for a bit," Johnny said, rising quickly and moving around behind the lunch counter. "She said we could help ourselves to some coffee," he said, returning with a carafe and a mug, which he filled for Dagger.

"To hell with the coffee. Come on, man." Dagger leaned forward and raised his voice as Johnny returned the carafe to the counter. "You feel it, don't you?"

Johnny turned and leaned his hands on the lunch counter. "Don't mind me, Dagger, I may not show it on the outside, but inside I'm roaring like a hungry lion, mate."

Dagger sat back. "Phew, for a moment I thought you were backing out." He grinned and gushed, "Six government buildings all at one time—hell, this is going to be glorious."

"You're right, man, it is dead in here. Let's at least get a little background noise happening." Johnny T turned on the flash-screen mounted to the wall above them. "I think we can catch the New York World Connect news... Oh, good timing, it's just starting. I don't know about you, Dwight, but I like to stay informed."

There was a silence for a beat. Then: "Hey, how the hell do you know my name?" Dagger demanded, but the newscast began, and the announcer dragged the extremist's attention back to the screen.

"We are just receiving word that numerous arrests are being made involving a domestic terror group that refers to themselves as AXE—" "Hell! Let's go!" Dagger sputtered, leaping from the booth.

"We've gotta get out of here!" He ran to the exit, and slammed into the locked door. He jiggled the bar violently and ineffectively for a few seconds before turning back toward Johnny, his face a mask of confusion. "What's going on?"

"Place your hands on your head, Dwight!" shouted Johnny as he pulled out his laser-gun. Behind him, two agents emerged from the diner's kitchen and moved quickly to handcuff the extremist.

"Sit him down," Johnny told the agents.

"You're a son of a bitch! A rotten rat!" shouted Dagger, his face red, spittle flying.

"And you, Dwight Wagner, are under arrest for conspiring to launch terror crimes against the United States of America. Good luck getting out of this one, bro," Johnny sneered.

"Go ahead, take me in, you lowlife slave, but just remember: the forgotten never forget!" Dagger shouted as he was hauled back to his feet and taken away.

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