"I live in hell." Icy-Hot states and I actually almost laughed. If I did I would have killed him. "What was his dream about?"

     "I heard him mumble the word stop but that was it." Icy-Hot and I stop and everyone turns around. I look at Deku and he looks right into my eyes. He knew what I was doing and he started backing up. 

     "Don't You D-" And the nerd bolts forward. He was sprinting away, damn, could that boy run. Everyone runs after him and we see him running. Why was he running? I didn't know why. Was it because I scared him again? I hated myself in that moment. He turned a corner and we lost him. "DAMMIT!" I yell and Kirishima ask's what just happened. "I was going to have Deku explain what happened last night and tell us his story on why he was acting so weird. I think he caught on to what I was doing and he obviously still want to keep it a secret."

     "Keep what a secret?" Kirishima and Kaminari ask.

     "The fact that he is depressed and the villain attack impacted him in a not good way. He is in pain and he is taking those pain killers and they were a prescription and not an over the counter. He had a nightmare last night and it's obviously messing with him." Half n' Half says and Kirishima and Kaminari look at each other then at the both of us.

     "I wanted him to explain it because it's his life but no the nerd had to run away because he was scared." I said placing both on my hands on my hip. Kirishima looks at me smiling and says, "So you actually really care about him?"

     "I love hi- WAIT WHAT?!" I say and they all "gasp" and look at each other and they pat my back and I hide my crazy blush.

     "We need to find him. There might be more to the story." Half n' Half says and we start to jog in different places. I go with Half n' Half while I see Kirishima grabs Kaminari's hand and leads him another way. So that's why you two are so chummy.

Izuku's P.O.V

I look over at Kacchan and He was about to tell everyone about my bad dream and explain why I was acting so differently. I ran because I felt like everyone was going to pity me. I also felt like a burden being there because everyone was wasting their time on me. I am such a coward. Why did I run? I swear I couldn't save them in my dream and in real life. I am in such a low point and its the purple guys fault. The person I want to protect most is Kacchan. I love him and he was my childhood best friend. I fell in love with him when I was young and I didn't know what it was until middle school. My mom doesn't know though. I then hear the voiced in my head again




Couldn't protect

No hero

He will never love you



     I was so weak I couldn't even tell my friends I was hurting. I just don't want them to have to deal with me. I am trying to handle my own problems but it doesn't work. I stop running after I find myself a boulder and I sit on it. I start thinking about how dumb it was too run. I don't run away from problems I run to them so why now? I then look up and see it grew darker. I have been out here for hours. I hear a noise and I freeze. I hope it wasn't a bear or anything. I slowly but quietly get up and step to the other side of the boulder stepping on a twig. Classic. I here the thing move and I start to run but then I hear my name.

     "DEKU!?" It was Kacchan. I stumble to the ground and get back up and start running but I hear blast's. Kacchan must be using his quirk. I tumble to the ground and I was on a path with a small hill to the side. We roll down the hill and I roll over a rather large rock on my right side. That was great. I summer-salt down more of the hill and it seemed to be taking forever. I hear someone scream but I couldn't make it out. I then feel pain on my forehead. It was sharp and quick but I was now in pain. I stop moving and I am laying on my right side. This day gets better and better. I stand up but grip my side because it sends a shooting pain up my whole right side my arm even hurt. I fall to my knees because the pain became so unbearable. I definitely popped a stitch or two falling. I feel hands on me and I push them away harshly. Tears were threatening to fall. Not today. Not two days in a row.

Katsuki's P.O.V

It has been hours and I still haven't found Deku. I was getting very worried because it was starting to get dark. We ran into the others and told them we lost Deku, but that's all we told them. They said they would go back to camp and see if he made it back. He didn't. I was getting anxious and I never get anxious. Man.... Deku will be a lot of first for me. He was my first kiss. Half n' Half must have noticed my new emotion and commented on it. "Don't worry we will find him. He's probably around here somewhere." I just nod not wanting to answer him. We both see something moving and green. I knew it was Deku, my gut was telling me that it was and ya' know what they say about trusting you gut. I walk and I hear a twig snap. It must have been Deku. I see him get up and run and I yell his name. I stumbles and starts running again. I use my quirk this time and zoom over to him. I grab him and we both fall over on the path and down this steep small hill. 

     As I fall a damn twig scratches my left cheek and I then feel a sharp rock glide across my shoulder. Great now I have a big cut on my shoulder in the middle of the damn woods where anything could smell my blood.  It wasn't big but it was big enough for me to feel it. I get up brushing myself off only to see Deku grip his side. This was my fault. I see him drop to his knees and I was freaking out internally. I run over to his but he pushes me away. I see the Half n' Half bastard make an ice stair case. He looked like Elsa. We runs over to me and looks at him and tries to help him out but he moves away. "Midoriya, we are trying to he-" He was cut off.

     "NO! I can't... It's all my fault everything. You shouldn't be helping me. I am so screwed up right now I can't think properly. I'm sorry for running.... Every time I - I close my eyes I see everyone I care about leave and I see that damn villain! I am trying to fix my problems without dragging anyone into it but it seems like I can't do that witho-" Half n' Half cuts him off and kneels down. He places a hand on Deku's shoulder. Deku just froze.

     "Friend's are here to help you. You are going through a lot. You were hurt more than anybody including me. I see him when I close my eyes too... Its a side affect of his quirk. That's what my scumbag of a father told me at least. We are going through withdrawal. I have been going through a lot too. Bakugou understands as well. He couldn't help even if he wanted to." I have to thank Todoroki for that one.

We make it up the steep hill and we are back on the path. Deku had a hard time walking and Half n' Half look at each other. We see the cut on his forehead and blood starts to drip down. It hits his cute nose. We see a little bit of blood was on his side. I didn't remember there being blood there. He then starts to fall and I catch him. I look at Icy-Hot and he looks at me, I pick Deku up bridal style once again and this time we are running back to camp. We met up with Kirishima and Kaminari.

Izuku's P.O.V

I finally make it up the little hill. It was hard to walk. Not just because of my side. My side was fine surprisingly even if it was a little painful. My head was the real problem. I then start to feel light headed. It was weird my senses were heightened and I felt like they were set free...? I started to see a bright light and then darkness.

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