Sixteen- Feelings Within the Ocean

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*Louis's Point of View*

"Mum, please calm down." I beg. Anger continues to increase in her fragile, pale body. She attempts to swing but I duck causing one of her limps to come into contact with only air. Out of frustration, her arms sweep across the kitchen table.

Glass flies and shatters. My sisters' screams could be heard from the back and I panic. My conscious is telling me to go comfort them but, I refuse to listen.

I look to see the poor woman who has not only lost her hair, her weight, nor her color-- but a woman who has lost her child; her own flesh and blood. Blood drips from her arms, while tears drop from her powdered color cheeks down towards the floor.

She screams and I watch her body go weak. I watch her heart break and as I do, my heart breaks too.

Her body becomes weak, my eyes play in slow motion and I watch her slowly collapse. I act hurrily and catch her before she descends to the glass-filled carpet.

My Mother's body is trembling. She clutches my upper right arm and begins sobbing. My eyes fill with tears and they slowly course down my face. I turn my head and see my three sisters at the end of the hallway.

One is missing. I think to myself.

Their arms wrap around each other, droplets fall onto the floor. I look to my oldest sister, Emma, and she gives me a weak smile. 

"It'll be okay." she whispers and my Mum sits herself on her knees and opens one of her arms, as one rests on my shoulders. I open my free arms, welcoming my sisters. They slowly walk to us and they join in. 

The entire hug fills with sobs, pain, and tons of crying. 


"They're asleep now." Emma says while putting on a different pair of shoes. 

"Thank you, Em." I say and she shrugs. She removes herself from the couch after putting on her shoes, and goes into the kitchen. I follow her and see that she's getting out two trash bags. 

"Are you okay?" I ask her as she hands me one of the bags. 

"I guess. Yeah it's hard, but I've gotten so used to death. It just doesn't surprise me." she's right. Out of everything that's going on, most of the weight has to be on Em's shoulders. She's watched her own father die, her friend's mom get shot, and her best friend commit suicide. I don't know how a fourteen year old can survive with the atmosphere she constantly gets herself stuck in.

Guilt nags at my bones of how this girl is trapped in this atmosphere and desperately wants to get away. I try to think of things I can come up with to get her out of this house of poison.

"Lou, I've been losing weight and everything. I'm back down to one-twenty." she smiles. I applaud her. She got diagnosed with diabetes about eight months ago and had to lose a lot of weight in order to be healthy again. Yet, we haven't been to the doctors in awhile to identify if the diabetes had simmer down.

"I've noticed, and you look ten times better." I smile and it's true. But, I worry because some of the weight she's lost is due to lack of eating. "Are you eating?" I ask.

"I'm getting better. " she remarks.

"What?" I question.

"Well Louis, when you were gone, for long periods of time. I just got annoyed being made fun of and not losing weight no matter how hard I tried so I started purging and slowly I just stopped eating. But I got better." I feel like crying once again because the moment she needed me the most I was gone to rid myself of annoyance.

"I'm sor-" she cuts me off.

"I don't want pity, but let me get to what I was going to ask you." I nod to allow her to continue.

"After we finish can we go out for ice cream, I have some money saved in my piggy bank." I tilt my head and smile.

"How about I buy us lunch and then we go out for ice cream?" I suggest and her eyes light up.

"I'm up for that." Emma jumps and starts to pick up the glass.

(okay so this was really short, but I have to find away to transition to the next chapter. Anyways, I really hope you guys liked it, but it was only a filler.

So I went to the 1D concert last night (FYI last concert of wwa) and it was so much fun. I made friends and I just- and then it was great because we kept doing the wave during intermission and then it was funny because Liam started squirting ketchup on the boys, ( I think it was ketchup) and I was on my crutches and kept waving them every time we cheered and it was great. Wonderful time. And, then 5sos dressed in Ninja Turtle costumes and Luke changed and it was great-

I loved it so much

the traffic sucked though :/


I love you beautiful potatoes

-Shan xx)

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