"Oh my, oh my god" Safaa said gasping.

"What?" Harry was up so quick, he tripped on the bed linen, almost falling but Anne was closer, holding him up.

"Dimples. Yazz, smiled and she's got dimples" Safaa squealed excited.

"Oh please it's just gas.." Louis said sitting where Harry was next to Zayn.

Bloody musical beds, Zayn thought. "Yazz? Safaa her name is Yasmeen babe" Zayn chuckled to his sister.

"Yazz, is her nickname"

"My baby is going to be confused by these nicknames she won't know her own name" Zayn sighed, watching as the baby gets passed on to Trisha and Anne and them being the reasonable persons in the room, moved to where the boys and men were sitting, showing off the baby.

The baby opened her eyes just as Niall was holding her, Harry held his breath, cause Niall was so clumsy and wasn't supporting her head properly. She probably opened her eyes from reflex, surely.

"She's Little Hazza, her eyes are just like yours, Harry" Niall said.

"Jasmine. Princess Jasmine she's so cute. Sorry Zee, except for her nose and black hair she doesn't look like you at all" Liam said, adding his own spin to the ever growing nickname list. Zayn just shrugged, he was so sleepy and felt so, for lack of better word, light.

"Yasmeen looks so much like Harry" Yaser said with a pleased smile, he really loves him.

"It's almost as if she was going to be denied by her own father, oww-" Louis was cut off by Zayn slapping the back of his head. He was not that sleepy not to notice Louis's bitchiness.

"Zee, that hurts"

"Watch yourself or I will slap you again." Zayn warned.

"She's got the greenest eyes I've ever seen. Wow, look Haz, she smirked. Just like you, amazing" Liam smiled when the baby smiled or was it a case of gas.

"Okay boys. Lets give Zayn back the baby to feed, the nurse brought a bottle before she gets all angsty and tired" Trisha told Liam and Niall who were still cooing over Yasmeen.

"Haz, do you wanna feed her I'm tired" Zayn yawned wanting to shut his eyes so bad.

"Of course baby. No problems"

The nurse had already explained how to feed and burp the baby on their last visit to the doctors. They've been given a list of baby formulas and when and how often to feed. But Harry was just nervous, what if the baby chokes. A lot of what if's going through his mind.

"Harry, come sit with me and Trisha" Anne said smiling fondly noticing his uneasiness.

"Thanks, mom.." sighed Harry very thankful.

"Zayn, when are they releasing you?" Gemma asked.

"Releasing you? This is not prison, Gemma, not everyone has a shady past like yours" Louis grinned at her annoyed face.

"Prison past? Did I miss something Gemma?" Anne said with a scolding look.

"Louis is just being an idiot. It's your fault anyway for telling everyone the story about Harry calling me a drug dealer"

"So, Zayn when are you going home?" Gemma asked again.

"Its a flat not home Gemma" Louis said again messing with her, biting his lip.

"Holly cheese and rice, Louis. Can you just shut it. Zayn will be discharged after three days," Harry said having had enough of Louis.

Everyone chuckled quietly, Yaser got up asking if anyone wanted a drink, Robin offered to go with when they all wanted something. Zayn sighed taking in everyone chatting amongst themselves smiling and laughing. He was tired but it looked like everyone was getting comfortable, not ready to go. He didn't mind though. He looked over at Harry, smiled seeing him feeding their daughter, their mothers on each side of him looking on. Harry kept asking questions if he was doing everything right.

He looked at Louis when he bumped their shoulders, "are you happy?" Louis asked smiling at him.

"Yes, Lou.." Zayn answered bumping their shoulders..

"So, what's up with holly cheese and rice?" Louis smirked as Zayn rolled his eyes at him.

"Harry is replacing swear words with not so sweary words" Zayn answered.

"Sweary, is that even a word?"

"Give me a break Lou, I'm tired like one of those books that just keep soldiering on past its supposedly not so official epilogue" (a/n- 👀)

"You looked happy" Louis said.

"I'm happy Lou, thanks for being here. I appreciate that, you know that right?" Zayn said interlocking their fingers.

"Always babe. Always" Louis kissed their joined hands. "I might have to move in with you for few months, what do you think?"

"Absolutely not!" Harry said loudly moving towards them and sitting on the bed, Yasmeen on his chest, he rubbed her back softly burping her. How did he even hear that? It's surprising the baby didn't cry at his outburst.

"You need to learn to use your inside voice, Haz." Zayn said looking at the baby, "Can I hold her please?" Once she was in his arms, he kissed her tiny fingers and she grabbed his thumb, holding on, not letting go.

Harry looked at him and kissed top of her head. "I love you, both" He said then kissed Zayn on the mouth.

"We both love you too" Zayn stared at him, leaning forward for another kiss.

"I don't" Louis said playing with the baby's feet.

"You know what, Louis?" Harry said glaring at him, "how about, I'll be the solution you'll be the problem. So, go away."

"How long did you have to think about that one, ouch-" Louis turned around to see Yaser standing there.

"I've brought food and drinks, come and pick what you like before everyone does" Yaser gestured to Louis with his head to where the food was, and Louis scurried away.

"Can I hold my grand baby, boys?" Yaser motioned to the baby, already taking her from Zayn's arms. Zayn let him, maybe he can catch on some sleep while they still have all their babysitters in one room.

"Do you wanna sleep, baby?" Harry asked lying next to him, careful of his stitches.

Zayn nodded, "Just for a bit"

"I'll wake you up when the nurses come again, okay?" Harry smiled when Zayn curled up to him, "I love you" he whispered in his ear.

"I love you too, Haz"

Zayn wrapped his arm around Harry, resting his head on his chest. He looked on as Yaser cradled Yasmeen in his arms, his mom and Anne chatting away and laughing, sorting the teddy bears and wishing cards. His sisters and their friends laughing and eating, Louis in charge of drinks and Gemma lurking behind him. He loved the organised chaos infront of him.

And he loved his daughter Yasmeen more he thought possible. His angel, she was. She may have come in their lives unexpectedly but she was a gift. God's gift.

Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now