"Can I hold her?" Louis asked looking at Zayn and Harry then Trisha and Anne.

"Sure.." Anne and Trisha said at the same time. Zayn smiled handing him the baby.

Louis gently took the baby from him. She looked so much like Harry, he moved the hat she had on her head everyone gasped wow. Her head was full of curly black hair, her mouth shaped just like Harry's, had a tan completion and Zayn's perfect nose. Her eyes were still closed though, they couldn't see what colour they were..

"Hello, rosey cheeks, its uncle Lou here, the most important person in your life after your baba Zayn"

"Louis" Zayn scolded chuckling at him, everyone just laughed used to his antics by now.

"That's true though, I mean-" Yaser said but stopped when Trisha glared at him. "Sorry..." he mumbled.

"Your time is up Louis. Pass on the baby, please" Gemma said getting closer to take the baby from him.

"Gemma, hold on." Anne scolded.

"What mom, when do I get to hold her?"

"Wait your turn, please.." Anne said.

"Not fair. She's my niece by blood. Louis don't even share the water with her, he's already first. Not fair, I'm next.." Gemma said:

"Gemma, calm yourself down, its family first" Louis said looking at her, holding the baby closer.

"Which part of the family are you then? A not so distant cousin, huh?" Gemma raised his eyebrows, arms across her chest.

"Oh boy. I'll sit down and eliminate myself from these hunger games" Yaser laughed looking on. Robin and Liam backing off as well sitting down.

"Gemma you can hold the baby next" Trisha said smiling at her.

"Not fair mom, what about me? I'm the older aunt. Traditionally I should hold her next" Doniya said standing closer to the bed.

"What tradition is that from then Don, the spinster circles?" Louis said, and Zayn tried to take the baby but Louis moved away.

"Trisha, can you just make a list of who's next? Never mind, I'll start a queue, I'm next. Everyone behind me. Handover the baby Louis," Gemma said moving closer to Louis.

"No. I haven't had my turn yet. You've just wasted my time with your drama" Louis said kissing the baby's cheeks cause they were so red and she was just so cute and sleepy. He cooed.

"Lou, give Gemma the baby please. Here, use this as a timer if that helps" Zayn said giving him his phone.

Louis looked at Zayn for a few seconds like that was a ridiculous idea but he gave in taking the phone. "Okay, here you go, Gemma." he handed the baby to Gemma, not before whispering, "this is not over" in her ear.

"But it is, cousin" Gemma said pursing her lips.

"Oh, look at her so cute. Livvie, hello baby girl" Gemma was cooing and blowing little raspberries on the baby's little hands.

"Her name is Yasmeen," Harry said sighed having watched enough of Louis/Gemma shenanigans. He went to lie next to Zayn when Louis moved.

"Her middle name is Olivia, Harold. I love that name Zayn, well done. I know that was you. Aunty Gemma gets to call her Livvie" Gemma said sticking her tongue to Harry her antics were cut short by a timer however.

"Time is up. Move on Gemma" Doniya moved closer taking the baby from her and, turned around showing the baby to all her sisters.

Anne snatched the phone which was the timer from Louis, hitting the back of his head, "Enough of this." She said.

Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now