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     What should I call you? If I'm going to be writing about what I feel, I might as well name you. Hmm, how about JJ? No. Ahh, I know! I'll name you Hope, because that's what I need right now.

     Well, now that we have that done, my name is Sarah Jane. I would describe myself as the typical small-town-girl. I have long brown hair that I always have up in either a pony tale or in a braid. I have emerald green eyes and a petite nose. I am about average height for a freshman girl. I am quiet around people I don't know, but full of energy when around my friends.

     I decided to start keeping a diary, or journal if you will, to write down how I feel. Pretty cliche I know, but it's better than my other options. To set things straight, I am a fifteenth year old small town girl turned city girl. From the moment I left my small town, my life went to shit, and that is where I will be starting my story. I think, no, I KNOW that writing this all down will help. To me, this is the safest way to tell my story, through writing. So, here I go...

The Diary of Sarah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now