"What's wrong Fuentes? Did your big bad boyfriend dump you and found a new fuck?" Sophia smirks wickedly at me. I curse her under my breath as I glare at her.

Coach blows her whistle and we begin the game. I knew there's no way in hell Ima let little Miss.Pendeja beat me.

My rage just went up a notch. I walk up to Korea, a sweet Junior with the tendency to try to be better than everyone else,  whispering into her ear that any chance she had to pass me the ball. Seeing the fire in my eyes, she agreed willingly. 

I know it's wrong to be taking out my anger on my team mates but I really don't care at the moment.

We play hard during the whole game. I know Sophia doesn't want to lose to me and she knows for a fact that I would rather fall flat on my face at Prom than let her win,this game. Both teams go back and forth but by the time coach blows her whistle we had won. I walked away with a triumphant smile, to pleased with myself to show otherwise.

As I walked out into the parking lot with Gwen I remember Liam had gone home. The thought of him leaving without giving me a good excuse fuels my anger even more. How could he just let me walk away from him like that?

Apparently Liam had texted Niall about his departure from school, I guess he thought I would have forgotten or something. I don't speak much on our way back to their house. Honestly I just want to go and retrieve my car. I don't want to speak to Liam let alone see him right now. I will give him the chance to come to me first before I confront him about what happened today.

Niall smoothly pulls into his driveway and as soon as it stopped I practically jumped out of it. Then the realization hit me. Niall had driven everyone to school including Liam, so how had Liam gotten home? Surly he didn't walk his way here if he felt ill. "Niall?"

"Yeah Lesly? What's up?"

I look into his crystal blue eyes and hope he will at least be honest with me. "How did Liam get home?" I ask point blank.

Niall bits on his lower lip as if he doesn't know how to respond, but that was all I needed. Grabbing the keys from his hand I march towards the front door and force it open. I walk straight to Liam's room and as suspected he wasn't there.

"Lesly-" Niall began but I quickly interrupted him.

"No Niall. Don't. I don't want you to defend him." I take a calming breath before speaking again. "When you see him tell him not to bother today. If he's gonna lie to my face..." I don't even know what to say.

Shaking my head, I walk away from Niall and Liam's bed room. I just can't right now. Gwen whispers a "good-bye" to Niall before joining me in my car. I swiftly maneuver my way out of the garage, silently thanking Carlos for teaching me how to drive it perfectly.

"Lesly don't be so angry. I'm sure Liam-"

I shake my head. "No Gwen. Not you to. Don't defend him. You are not his damn lawyers!"

Gwen frowns not knowing what else to say. Minutes later I pull up at her house I murmur a farewell and she walks away. She is the last person ever I want to give the cold shoulder to but today is not a good day for me.

Once I got home I made my way up to my room, but before I can settle down I hear the ping of my phone.

From: The Bae Liam
Lesly please don't be so angry with me. Niall told me you came into my room only to find it empty and I can explain just give me the chance 2.

Closing my inbox I let the message sit there contemplated in weather I should respond to it after the events of today. Before I can make up my mind I hear another ping.

From: The Bae Liam
If I call you would you answer?

Then another that same minute.

From: The Bae Liam
Do you want to break up with me?

I look at the message heavy hearted. How could he think that I wish to break up with him?

My heart wins the internal battle within me as I reply.

To: The Bae Liam
No I don't want to break up. I just want you to be honest with me.

Seconds later.

From: The Bae Liam
It's complicated Lesly. Please understand.

To: The Bae Liam
It's not so easy.

From: The Bae Liam
You have to trust me.

To: The Bae Liam
I do.

I lay down on my bed closing my eyes before the next ping.

From: The Bae Liam
Then trust me now.

To: The Bae Liam
YOU have to be honest with me Liam or this won't work.

From: The Bae Liam
Lesly all you have to know is that I'm doing something for the both of us. PLEASE understand that.

To: The Bae Liam
I'll try.

From: The Bae Liam
Am I forgiven?

I think about it for a moment before replying.

To: The Bae Liam
No you're not.

Sending it, I shut off my phone.

Long time no read. I'm sorry I'm recently moving so I'll have no wifi (tear) I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


Aclfuentes xx

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