11. Turning Page

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My day has not been what I had expected. I thought today was gonna go great but of course I was wrong. When Gwen left me on my drive way I stood there thinking about what I had done. I have no idea what came over me. I was hurt by Liam. I'm so naïve. Like Liam Payne would have feelings for me when he can have whom ever he wants.

Yesterday night when I had gone to the beach... The beach. That's where I saw that girl before. She was the girl on Liam's lap. I should have realized this sooner but I didn't, I was blinded.

It's barely four in the afternoon and I don't feel like getting ready yet. I wish I had my phone, if I had it I would call Max and cancel our date tonight.

Heading upstairs to my room I grab my laptop and log on to instagram. After posting one pic of myself in bed bored, I open another window to YouTube. I find myself looking up a bunch of random songs when one in particular came up. I haven't heard this song in a long time. Just hearing the familiar lyrics bring back the bitter sweet memory of my brother singing it to me.

I know he was a big fan of the Jonas Brothers, his favorite song by them was Year 3000. He would sing it to me randomly, which would make me smile. Now as I listen to the song I wonder what had happen to those days. Carlos isn't who he was back then. Back then he would tell me anything now he keeps everything from me.

The doorbell rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. Knowing Carmen isn't here to answer it I exit my bedroom and head downstairs to get the door.

"Hi Lesly!" Little Gregg McCall greets me as I opened the door. His sweet light green eyes staring into my brown ones.

"Hey Gregg! What's up?" He is such a cute kid! Every time I babysit him we have a great time together. He smiles up at me handing me something... my phone? My eyebrows frown in confusion. "Where did you get this?" I ask the nine year old.

"That guy across the street gave me ten bucks to come and give it to you." he informs me. I turn to look down the street to spot the man that has almost taken my sanity. He is looking strait at me and Gregg, leaning against his black motorcycle.

I look back to the little boy who has no clue of the damage that man has done to me in the little time I have known him. "Gregg what has your mom told you about talking to strangers?"

Gregg pouts, knowing my weakness. "I know Lesly. Please don't tell my mom." he begs.

I smile at him not being able to restrain myself. "Fine I won't." Gregg has a huge smile on his face as he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back before sending him back home, telling him to avoid Liam. I glance back at Liam, a frown takes up his face. I want to go talk to him about this morning and about that girl.

Before I make up my mind on what to do Liam hops onto his bike and maneuvers away. With a frustrating sigh I make my way inside.

Liam has no right to be mad at me. He started all this b.s the day we meet.

Unlocking my phone I see forty some messages, more than fifty missed calls, and countless voice mails. Just great! (note the sarcasm)

The first person I dial is Carlos.

"Where the hell have you been?! Why haven't you been fucking answering my damn calls?!" Carlos greets me as soon as he answered.

I take a deep breath before responding. "Lo sentó. I decided to spend the night at Gwen's last night after my... um date." I lie hoping he believes it.

"I know you spent the night at her house."

"You knew?"

"Yeah you texted me last night saying you were."

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