Chapter 31

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Carol Pov
I just pulled up to Kenny house honking my horn to get her attention. She came out about 30 seconds later.

" bitch you only honk at hoes" she said once she close the door.

"Bitch ain't you a hoe?" I asked once I finally pulled off from her block.

"Oh yeah I forgot I was but what's the plan" she asked laughing.

" honestly the plan I have is crazy so we're going to have to bring out our plans together to create a smart one" I said trying to make the plan make sense in head.

"Yeah you right but pull up
Either two blocks away from the trap or his house" she suggested

" Nah we should drive around both of them block to see if he's either home or at the trap" I said while patting my hair.

(A/N y'all ever pat y'all hair instead of scratching it so you won't mess it up ?)

" that's smart" she said confirming the plan.

" bitchhhhhhh" I scream out loud when I had thought of something.

" what hoe and don't be screaming like that I thought something happen" she said trying to catch her breath.

" what if that girl he cheated with me on,with him. Then he be some bold ass nigga" I said just thinking about anything that could happen. 

"Stop overthinking shit and let's see for ourselves" she said making me start driving around his block.

" i don't see his car, he's probably at the trap" I said driving towards East Harlem.

I know I been slacking with the updates but I been focusing on my school work it's my senior year guys.

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