Tutors Don't Suck As Much As Colby Thought

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my butt doesn't ship them anymore but i'm gonna make a oneshot just for yall loyal readers!! thank u for 7k!!!

even tho i stopped writing solby oneshots u guys still keep reading the 3 i have and it's so endearing to know that u at least like my work!!

thank u all!! ilyasm!! 🐳💓

Colby's POV

"I'm getting a what?!"

"Colby, you're getting a math tutor. You can't stay in the marching band if your grade keeps dropping."

"But mom!"

"No buts!"

Colby felt a cloud of sudden demise float over him. He just knew that he was going to get paired with that saxophone player that annoyed him the most out of everyone. Sam Golbach.

Oh god, did Sam Golbach have the worst case of senior-itis. That kid thought he was so big and mighty because he was the section leader of the woodwinds. There wasn't really anything special about him, all he did was blare ... if saxophones could even blare. (Spoiler: apparently they can.)

Sam was running for the valedictorian of the 2013-2014 class. He was so smart that he was tutoring everyone from grades 9 until 12. He's just a normal senior that's kind of smart, but his head is so far up his butt that he doesn't even think that.

Colby's mom continued to lecture him for what felt like an eternity. She said that who he was paired with was a very smart kid and that he was in the band with him, so he would be at least familiar with the person. Colby's face slowly scrunched up even more and more as the talking went on. He was right. It had to be Sam Golbach.

And that was when Colby spaced out, too busy thinking of ways to get out of this to even listen to his own mother. She didn't even realize that her son was about to fall asleep with his head on the table. How oblivious!

Maybe I could fake sick? Nope, too obvious. I can't miss band either.

Could I threaten him to just say that I was tutored and then walk away? Nah, that's way too much. And the kid is a huge snitch anyways.

Colby's mother waved her hands, shaking Colby out of his not very worth it phase. He blinked a couple of times before regaining his touch on reality. "Colby Brock," She stated, hands folded on the table. "You will start tomorrow right after school in Mrs. Vega's room." (A/N: yes i did just pull a victorious.)

Is there even any way that I can get out of this? No. Of course there isn't! Why would there be?

"But I have band tomorrow!" Colby defended. "How am I gonna have time to get ready? It starts at three thirty and I get out at two fifteen!" His mother simply shrugged at her sons dilemma. "I don't know. Figure it out." She stood up, pushing her chair in. "It's only the first day. You'll survive. He's a very nice kid and he will help you understand your problems more efficiently." Colby groaned, slamming his head on the table as his mother walked away.

Tomorrow is going to be interestingly bad.

One night and a grueling seven hours later of dreading the tutoring session, it finally came. Colby walked into Mrs. Vega's room, sitting at one of the long black tables. Those things took up half of the room. Everyone would be squished in between them during every class, but right now the room was stone cold empty. It was like an apocalypse happened and him and Sam were the only ones left.

Wait, actually that's kinda awkward.

Colby took his Geometry II books out of his backpack and waited. The journey of absolute annoyance was almost over, he just had to get this dumb tutoring session over with and then never show up again. Colby knew that this wasn't going to help him, nothing did. He was simply just bad at math. He couldn't really do anything about that unless he sat and read over the same thing over and over again for five hours straight. Who would want to do that anyways?

As Colby doodled on one of his notebook pages, he heard the door open. He looked up from his notebook to see the person he had been not wanting to see this whole time. Sam Golbach sitting across from him. "Heeey Colby." He stumbled awkwardly. "So what are you having trouble with?"

"Uh, Geometry? Like what is the circumference of a circle and dumb stuff like that? I never really understood any of that." He replied rather awkwardly. Sam took out a notebook from his backpack and started to scribble equations on it. Colby stared at the writings in horror, like it was some kind of foreign language. "So to get the—" "Wow."

Sam raised his eyebrows. "Wow?"

"How do you actually know all of this stuff?" Colby pandered on and on, "I can't even recognize any of it! It looks so new to me even if I've been looking at it for all year."

Sam couldn't help himself but chuckle at the astonishment on Colby's face from just a circle with a ninety degree angle inside of it. Sam wasn't even done writing the equation down, but he still got a load of interest from the first, so that's somewhat endearing.

"I don't know." Sam replied. "I learned this like three years ago so I can't really answer you." Colby pursed his lips, tapping the eraser of his pencil on the paper. "Ahh."

The rest of the session was spent exchanging equations and jokes. The more that the day went on, the more that Colby could understand why certain groups of people in the school liked Sam. It seemed as if Sam suddenly changed personalities. He seemed way more relaxed and was actually acting like a normal person.

At band practice, Colby couldn't help but sneak glares at Sam the whole time. His friends were trying to snap him out of his weird phase, but he was way into it. "Dude," One of his percussion friends asked. "What's got you into Sam so suddenly?" Colby smirked.

"I don't know." He answered slyly. "But I think I have a bone to pick with him."

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