happy birthday! im pregnant

Start from the beginning

"it's okay." she pulled away and giggled. she made her way over to the sink so she could brush her teeth. put the toilet top down and sit down, admiring her as she brushed her teeth. "since it's your birthday today, what do you wanna do?"

i stayed silent, a dinner with my family sounded about nice but i know they'd say no by a long shot. i shrugged. "i just wanna stay home honestly. big eighteen isn't really that important to me." i chuckled.

she giggled and shook her head. "oh come on! you already achieved so much before turning eighteen." i let out a small laugh, shaking my head. "oh really? like what? becoming the most wanted criminal in the state of california?"

she stayed silent for a moment as she thought. a smile appears on her face as she giggled, nodding. "that's gotta be worth something right?"

i laugh and shook my head again. i shrugged. "my life would be over if i ever got caught and i already have so much i wanna do and i wanna do it all before i turn myself in."

"and what's one thing you'd like to do really, really do before you get locked up?" she asked. i stared at the floor in silence for a moment. honestly, i didn't know the answer to that question.

"most people would say they would probably jump off a cliff or go sky diving. me? i wanna take the biggest risk anyone has ever done." i shrug, my eyes stayed on the floor tiles. "i wanna do something no one is really ready for i guess." i chuckle as i look back at june. she had her arms crossed with a pleasant smile on her face. "what would that be?"

i smile. "guess we'll just have to see later on." her smile instantly turned into a frown. she pouts which i found pretty cute honestly.

"june! joey! come on we're gonna be late for dinner!" i furrowed my brows and looked at june. she had a sus look on her face. "we might've already made reservations at olive garden for you... oops."

i chuckle softly and shook my head. "i guess we could go then..." she squealed and jumped up and down. "let me just grab a jacket." she nods.

"i'm gonna use the bathroom real quick then." i look at her and nod. "i'll meet you downstairs." i kiss her cheek before heading out of the bathroom.


i waited for joey to walk out of the bathroom. once he did i quickly rush over to taylers room. i open the door and see him sitting at the edge of the bed scrolling through his phone, he shot his head up and immediately turned off his phone when he saw me standing at his door. he smiled warmly. "hey june, what's up?"

i didn't say anything. instead i pulled out something wrapped in a napkin from my back pocket. i walk over to tayler and stand in front of him, slowly unwrapping the stick. i take a deep breath and stick it out to him.

he furrows his brows, taking the stick in his hand as he looked at it closely. immediately he raised his brows, his whole facial expression changed. he looks at me in shock. "no way."

i nod slowly, hiding my hands in my hands in embarrassment. "i don't know how to tell him tayler..." i look at him again.

he shoots up from his spot and pulls me into a tight hug. "it's okay, joey isn't one to get scared off easily... i think." he pulls away shortly after he says

i sigh and rub my arm as i looked down at my toes. "i asked him what he thought about having kids in the future and he said he wasn't into it." i look at him with teary eyes. "what am i gonna do?"

for the next five minutes we talked about how i was gonna tell joey the news. tayler was the only one who knew because he's the one i trusted the most, besides joey but he can't know yet.

tayler cape up with the idea of telling joey afterwards and surprisingly i agreed. i just hope he takes the news well and doesn't run away from me.

the sad thing is, is that this isn't my first rodeo. i got pregnant last year with my ex, but i ended up having a miscarriage. it broke me because even if i was too young to have a baby, i still wanted to do it. i always wanted to be a mother since i was a kid. i wanted to be the mom i didn't get to have as i grew up.

tayler and i went downstairs where everyone else was waiting. joey asked if i was good and of course i said yes, but he didn't seem to convinced, though he let it go.

we were fifteen minutes in the dinner and so far it was going well, i was still a bit nervous about telling joey the news. i can feel my palms sweat as i picked up my lemonade and took a sip from it. dev must've noticed because he asked if i was alright. i told him i was and continued eating.


suddenly a couple of waiters and waitresses came over to our table with a dessert in their hand. i looked at them all confusingly before looking back at the boys and june. tayler and june both gave me a thumbs up.

everyone started singing which made me smile uncontrollably. at that moment i felt wanted, i felt safe and secure. yeah, maybe my old family didn't want me anymore because of the stuff i did but as i look around the table, i realized i was surrounded by the family that actually wants me.

i was starting to tear up so i quickly wiped away my tears. after they stopped singing everyone clapped and i blew out the candle, everyone clapped again and they cheered.

ten more minutes we all continued to chat and finish the last of our dinner. after doing so, everyone started to say their goodbyes. then it was just me, dev, june and tayler.

i wrap my arm around june as we head out to the parking lot. suddenly we stopped. i looked at her confused as she took her arm around me and stood in front of me. "i need to tell you something."

i looked back and forth between her and the guys. tayler cleared his throat. "let's wait in the car dev." dev nods and heads out to the car with tayler as june and i stayed back.

she took my hand into hers, taking a deep breath. "joey, what i'm about to say could really impact our future, maybe even us..."

i looked at her confused. i was so lost right now, i didn't know what she meant by all of that. she stayed silent for a moment, but then suddenly a tear ran down her cheek. i walk closer to her and wipe it away. "what is it june?"

"i know it's your birthday and all, but i have to come clean and i don't know any other way to say this so i'm just gonna say it." she took another deep breath and stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

"i'm pregnant."

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