" Colby come on we have no choice. If we don't eat we'll get yelled at and I'd rather not " Joe says taking the pillow off my face. I groan and grab the blankets pulling them over my head.
" I'd rather just get yelled at " I say and Joe prys the blanket away from me.
" I'd rather you not get yelled at " he says.
I grab another pillow putting it over my face holding it there tight so Joe doesn't get it away from me. Joe hits my stomach lightly yanking the pillow away from me. He grabs all the pillows and all the blankets and throws them to the ground.

" Stop you can suffocate doing that " he says grabbing my hand trying to pull me up but I continue to lay there. " Colby " Joe groans and climbs on me kissing me. He bites my lip making me moan. He pulls away before anything can happen. " Please? " he ask looking at me. I sigh and cave in making him smile and kiss me again. He moans when I grind a little. " Fuck- come on we gotta get dressed before I change my mind "
He chuckles and gets off me grabbing some pants of his and putting them on. I put on a black and brave shirt then some regular black jeans of mine.

" Guys come on! " Renee yells. I roll my eyes putting my shoes on. Joe looks at me smirking. " What? " I ask him confused.
" Look in the mirror " he says and I get up walking to my bathroom. I look in the mirror eyes widening. " Joe! " I scold him seeing about twelve large hickeys. He laughs and I groan. " Renee I need girl help! " I yell and Joe just keeps laughing. Jon walks in the bathroom after Joe points.

" What I don't get what's wrong? " Jon ask.
" My fucking neck! Joe stop laughing " I tell Joe and he continues laughing. " So what you have a boyfriend who happened to give you hickeys. " Jon says as Renee comes in with concealer. " It's a problem when there the size of a fucking dollar bill and were going somewhere! " I yell as Renee starts covering them.

" Joe has some too " Jon says.
" They are the size of a fucking dime " I tell him and he just says still and walks over to Joe and sits next to him. Renee finishes and I look in the mirror seeing them covered. We walk out the bathroom and out to the car. Renee gets in the passengers seat, Jon of course driving. Me and Joe get in the back. Joe pulls me on him and nibbles at my covered neck. I elbow him a bit.

" Stop I just covered them " I tell him and he whines. Jon laughs looking at us from the mirror.
" You guys are clingy " he tells us and Joe bites down on my neck making me bite my tongue to keep me from moaning. " Stop " I whisper in his ear. He ignores me and claps a hand over my mouth grinding against my ass. I groan and take his hand away and turn so I'm facing him. He grabs my shoulders pulling me down into a rough kiss. He moans and bites my lip hard.

" Stop tongue fucking back there you two. We're here " Jon says as the car comes to a stop. I pull away from Joe making him whine. I laugh and get out as do the rest of them. " Also no fucking in the restaurant " Jon adds.

" Damn it " I hear Joe behind me say. Renee laughs and I slap his chest. " Owww " Joe says pretending to be hurt. I roll my eyes and we get a table. Jon and Renee sit across from me and Joe. They've been hanging around together a lot. I wonder if their dating again.

" Are you guys dating? " I ask them out of the blue making Renee give me a ' are you ok ' look. Jon points to me and Joe.
" Are you two dating? " He ask and Renee chuckles a bit. I roll my eyes and shrug not really having an answer for that.
" Exactly " Jon says looking through the menu the same with Joe and Renee. Basically Renee and Jon don't know if they are dating. Like me and Joe. We just don't know.

" Technically " I hear Joe say after a couple seconds. We all look at him.
" What? " He ask us looking up from the menu. " I'm just saying " he says and Renee fangirls making Jon laugh and me and Joe ignore her. I look at the ceiling then feel Joe's eyes on me. " What? " I ask him continuing to stare at the ceiling. Soon I see a menu in front of my face. I roll my eyes and take it then set it back on the table. Joe curses my name then Jon groans aware of the situation of me not eating. I lay my head on the table. I feel someone put the menu on my head. I take it off and bang my head on the table frustrated. That makes Joe angry and he grabs my wrist pulling me towards him.

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