~New Pasta~ Homicidal Liu. (1/2)

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Homicidal Liu x (Bipolar) Reader

2nd POV

"I'll be sending you to retrieve her. But I do warn, she's certainly a fighter, be mindful, you and Sully both." Slender spoke to Liu.
Liu looked up at him with his emerald eyes and nodded, then turned on his heel and walked out the door of the Slender mansion.
He pulled his scarf up as he walked outside in the cold night, his mission to find and bring back to soon-to-be-pasta Slender had been watching for nearly a year.
That happened to be you.
You were 19 years old, a high school dropout and a very troublesome girl to say the least.
But you couldn't help yourself, you had bipolar disorder, it was bad.
One moment you're smiling and laughing, the next you could be sobbing your eyes out and feeling depressed, or even in a raging mess.
You were bullied for nearly all the years you were in school, had little friends, and were always on your own.
Your parents were there for you, but no amount of help they gave could help you, so you moved away, landing yourself in a small house in the town you were in now.
The clock in the hallway chimed 3am, you laid on your bed, finally shutting your eyes after a long night of crying and nearly punching holes in the walls.
Your breathing slowed as you began to fall asleep, but heard the sound of someone downstairs.
You opened your eyes, your heart beat in your ears.
The windows and doors were always locked, yet there was quiet movement coming up the stairs.
You slowly got out of bed, crouching down and reaching underneath it, until your hands touched the handle of the knife you kept there.
Footsteps stopped at your door and you stood back up, your door opened to reveal someone, at the same moment you turned the light on.
A boy stood there, your eyes widened.
"Who are you?" You asked, pointing your knife at him.
The boy looked at you, he appeared to be maybe a couple of years older than you, he had scars across his neck and face, his eyes were an emerald, his hair brown.
"I'm Liu. I've been sent by my master, Slender, to retrieve you. I have no intention of harming you, please cooperate. It will be in your best interests." He said, looking dead in your eyes.
Your E/C eyes flashed a bit of anger and confusion.
"My best interests? You just come into my house and tell me to leave with you? Who the hell do you think you are?" You replied.
He sighed, taking out a knife of his own.
"All will be explained, Y/N L/N, please don't make us fight."
You softly growled, "I'm not leaving with you without a fight."
Liu sighed, then he suddenly ran at you.
Your eyes widened and jumped across your bed as he reached the spot where you were once standing.
You landed on the floor then swiftly ran for the door, only to feel him behind you.
You growled and turned around, swinging your knife down to his shoulder.
He dodged it, then swung his knife up, aiming for your stomach.
You dodged as well, jumping back as you looked at him.
His whole demeanor seemed to change, he looked at you.
"You're pretty good at dodging, I'll give you that? But how long can you keep up until I cut you?"
Your eyes widened as he ran at you again, this time faster than before.
You felt yourself grow angry, as he got near enough you ducked as he swung his knife, then you round-housed kicked him in the chest, sending him to fly backwards.
He grunted as he caught himself, standing up.
"Why the hell if your voice different?" You asked, staring at him.
He chuckled and looked up at you, squinting his eyes as they burned with a dark look.
"I'm Liu's split personality, Sully. The more psychotic side of him. I love a good fight." He replied, running at you once more.
Before you knew it, you were practically thrown at the wall, you yelled in pain as your body smacked against it, then falling back on the ground.
You tried to get back up, but Sully stood above you, pointing his knife at you.
You growled as he aimed it at your throat.
"Come with us. You have no other choice." He said irritated.
You gripped your knife in your hands, swiping it across his thigh in a quick flash.
He growled as he jumped back, blood seeping through his jeans.
"Fine, I'll go with you." You said as you grunted, your head stinging in pain.
He went still for a moment, closing his eyes, then reopened them.
"Let's go then."
Liu came back, he put his knife away and took a small step back forward, offering you a hand.
You looked up at him with a slightly confused look, yet you took it.
He pulled you up, then let go of you and turned to the door.

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