Chapter 15: White Rose holidays

Start from the beginning

Weiss was blushing at her Girlfriend's attire. 'She looks cool.'

Weiss was wearing a white sundress, white sandals, her ponytail was centred with a blue pale blue ribbon, and she also had a white handbag. She also had a bracelet that measured her steps, only hers was white with blue stripes.

Ruby grinned. "So, welcome to Patch, Weiss! How is it?" Weiss was looking around in awe. "It's so different from Vale or Atlas. And those are the only cities I went to." "Then welcome to the countryside!" Ruby said, grinning.

Ruby spent hours showing Weiss around Patch, the parks, the roads, the villages, the restaurants, the lakes, the forests, everything.

She even showed her what could only be described as a monument of warriors. Weiss looked at the statue in the plaza in awe.

"Ruby, what does this represent?" She asked, excitedly. "The ancestors of Me and Yang." Ruby replied, bowing in respect. "My Family is descended from a long line of ancient warriors, Heroes and even rogues." She turned to Weiss and grinned, giving her a toothy grin and showing off her sharp pointy teeth. "All my life I wanted to become one. Glad to be finally able to do so."

Weiss was speechless. "Ruby..." she looked down. "I only joined Beacon to forge my own path instead of my father doing it for me."

Ruby blinked before she smiled. "Hey, don't be down in the dumps, your asshole of a dad is like a million miles overseas."

Weiss nodded. "True. But he still has enough influence to make peoples lives miserable no matter where he is..."

Ruby kissed Weiss, causing the white haired girl to shut up. "If he tries to find you, I'll kick his butt into next week. You don't need to worry!" Weiss teared up. "Now stop crying, will ya? Your hurting my heart."

Weiss burst out giggling, and hugged Ruby. "I love you so much..." Ruby grinned, so wide, that her eyes closed. "Teehee!~ I love you too!"

Torchwick Returns

Roman and Junior were working on the cell bars of their cell's window. "Come on, come on... we got it!"

They jumped out. Roman motioned for Junior to follow him.

'Now, where did those brats of ours, go?' Roman thought as the two ran off into the woods under the moonlight.

They entered the woods. "Ok... where are we?..." Junior asked.

A black and white creature with red eyes was watching them.

Roman shivered. "Maybe we should've gotten out earlier..."

A squawk made the two men jump in fright and hug each other. They relaxed seeing it was only an owl. They then heard a twig snap, and the creature that was watching them was standing behind the two escaped criminals.

"H-Hello?" Junior asked dumbly. The creature growled and pounced, Roman and Junior's screams filled the forest.

With Cinder

Cinder groaned, as she and her team left their latest detention.

Emerald: Detention after detention

Neo stretched and gave a silent groan.

"Another hour in detention and I'm calling it quits with this team." Mercury added. "Us too." The malachite Twins spoke in unison.

Cinder rolled her eyes. "Will you all just shut it?!"

Suddenly they were enveloped by a blanket of darkness that covered the entire hallway. Cinder could only utter one word as evil thoughts clouded the minds of her and her friends once more. "You..."

Return of Bumblebee

"We're back!~" Yang chimed. Blake waved 'hello'. They got off their ship, followed by a nervous Ilia.

Ruby and Weiss ran up to the two and they hugged. Ruby noticed Ilia who was twitching nervously to the side. "Hey! My name is Ruby! Team RWBY's Team Leader! How's it going?"

Ilia squeaked slightly. "I..."

Blake smiled. "That's Ilia. She's a former member of the WF, like me, she's basically my little sister figure."

Ruby grinned. "Pleased to meet you!" She held out a hand, which Ilia hesitantly shook.

Weiss cleared her throat. "Pleased to meet you to Ilia, my name is Weiss. Ruby's partner and Girlfriend."

Ilia blinked. "Y-your a schnee..." Weiss nodded. "A Schnee that seems to get along better with the Faunus then humans."

"Glad to see you guys getting along." They turned around and saw Raven walking off the ship.

Ruby and Weiss blinked. "You were with them all this time??" Weiss deadpanned. Raven raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, So?" Ruby shrugged. "Momma Sum has been looking all over for you, momma Rae."

Raven's face showed shock for the first time. "Oh. Crud..."

A white blur shot forwards and Raven nearly lost balance. "Rae, Rae! There you are!" The wolf Faunus giggled, hugging the Samurai Bandit.

"I told you, I had to go on a mission!" Raven grunted.

Taiyang walked up to the onlooking teenagers them from behind. "Back to the crazy days again."

Ilia looked at the blond Dragon-Man. "Are your wives always this crazy?" "Yep. Wouldn't trade it for the world."

Raven struggled out of Summer's hold. "There's something we have to tell you." She started. "There's been something going on lately in Beacon." Weiss sighed. "Students getting abducted, we know." She interrupted. "We're more concerned with what came with you."

Ruby smirked, then dashed aboard the ship and opened up the cabin revealing Ghira and Kali. "Having fun?"

Ghira and Kali sheepishly walked out of the ship's cabin and followed Ruby to the docking bay.

Raven was confused. "How..."

Blake: Mom? Dad? How did you two get there?! We saw you seeing us off back at Menagerie!

Kali laughed nervously. "Surprise?"

Everyone face palmed.

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