Chapter 4: Players and Pieces

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(A/N: next chapter! And I'm gonna do my best to keep the action of the original series. (But I'll maybe add a bit of flare from Fairy Tail or One Piece, and not just Sonic. You might also see some Soul Eater, Seven Deadly Sins or Sword Art Online too. In other words, there'll be some enhancing done on the character's semblances. Enjoy!) and another addition, is that Jaune Arc isn't starting off useless.) 

Normal POV

"Our last pairs have been formed, Sir." Said Glynda, looking at the camera footage. "Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee. Their bond is a curious one, one might even say that they're falling for each other. And I have to admit bringing a dog on a mission, even though it is a mock mission, is clever."

The footage showed Ruby and Weiss walking through the forest with Zwei leading the way.

She switched to the other camera. "Our next pair is Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie." She sighed. "Poor boy. It is never a joyous feeling to be followed constantly by a girl as clingy as she is. I doubt they could possibly even get along."


We walked through the woods, with Nora humming a happy tune. Something then caught my eye. "Nora? Do you see that Grimm?" Nora stopped humming and looked at where I was pointing. "Yah?" "We're going to ride it." Nora grinned. "Got it."

Normal POV

Glynda watched the footage in shock, as Nora pulled out her hammer and charged at the Grimm. The unexpected brawl turned into an unexpected ride with the Ursa, itself, being the ride in question.

"... I take back what I said." She muttered. She switched the screens again. "But I do feel sorry for Miss Nikos."

On the footage Jaune and Pyrrha were nearing a cave.

"She is a true blood bred warrior, through and through, and yet she gets paired up with Mr. Arc, who obviously isn't ready for something of this scale. Not to mention his sense of direction is questionable."

Ozpin hummed. His gaze was more focused on Ruby's footage.

Pyrrha POV

Me and my partner entered the dark cave, with Jaune's lit torch lighting the way. "I'm not sure this is the right way." I answered. Jaune rolled his eyes. "Pyrrha, please. I've done this kind of thing before, hundreds of times. If you want I can tell about the stuff I did when I was-" he tripped and fell, the torch extinguishing when it hit the soggy ground, leaving us in the dark.

I reached down to pull him up, and I suddenly felt something. "D-do you feel that?" I asked. Jaune sighed. "Soul crushing regret?" I shook my head. "No. It feels... warm."

Ruby POV

We followed Zwei through the woods. Our weapons were drawn, and we were looking around for anymore Grimm. So far, we only found a few Beowolves, but they were the most common kind of Grimm we could find.

I then heard Weiss sigh. "How does your dog know the way?" She asked. "Our dad likes to take him on missions." I replied. "Our moms do too. Uncle Qrow likes to fly solo, though."

Weiss was surprised. "'Moms'? You have two mothers?" I nodded. "Yeah. Dad has two wives, did you not notice that me and Yang look nothing alike? I'm a wolf and she's a dragon." Weiss snorted. "I have to say it crossed my mind."

She then sighed. "You're very close with your family, aren't you?" She asked solemnly.

I looked at her confused. "Sure I am. Why?" Weiss sighed. "It's just... the only family member I'm close to is my older sister, Winter." Her expression became sorrowful. "Everyone else was only in for the fame and the money. My butler, Klein, was more of a father to me then my real one. My mother is constantly drinking, and by younger brother is a carbon copy of my father. In other words he's a spoilt brat."

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