Chapter 11: Dragontale

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Dust POV:

I was super mad and so was Fell, why would Ganz and Bird help Classic?! Classic deserves pain he killed many innocent people for no reason and he killed his own people!
I'm glad Gaster destroyed whatever he destroyed because if he didn't we would've been stuck and become miserable with a bloody killer on the lose and there would be no way to kill him.
We are coming up with a plan but I wasted to much patience I want to kill him now and make sure to leave no trace behind.

"How about we just go there and kill him!" I said angrily but if course they disagree

"If we do that they will run away and try to fight us" Sci said.

"Besides they probably already left cause I have a feeling someone was here" Nightmare said

"Like what brother?" Dream questioned

"Well when Sci was controlling the roach" Nightmare explained "I felt someone feeling negativity and I think it was some kind of ghost"

"What was he feeling?" Fell asked trying to calm down.

"He was feeling . . . Worried about Classic and I did hear his voice for some reason" .

Everyone looked at each other confused but still listened to the gooey octopus Nightmare.

"He was saying 'he hopes that they will understand that Classic wasn't a monster' which I didn't believe cause they have no proof at all. And that's when he left but I can still feel the negativity since I can feel it at very far away places.
Then he told Classic what we were doing and he said that he wished Dragon was here to tell him everything was alright but then he told Classic that they have to go because we found out.
So I think they are going somewhere safe. Somewhere where no one has been and somewhere where someone has never hated him and that they didn't find out."

"But who is that person who doesn't know?" Error asked.

Everyone became silent until G started talking.

" . . . Wait Nightmare what did you say about someone that will make the ghost feel better?"

"That he wished Dragon or whoever his name was was here, why?" Nightmare said.

"What if that's the AU they are going? We have never seen a sans named Dragon so maybe thats where they are going because the AU never knew what happened" G asked but still explain.

"You are right" I said "maybe that's why the ghost said his name Dragon is probably his friend" I said thinking if he was right about him

"So that's probably where we are going" Abyss said (sorry I randomly put sanses here)

"A new AU?! I'm in!!" Ink excitingly yelled it's been long since he seen new AUs because he was busy with the mansion before they thought Classic was crazy.

"Well if we are going to go we have to find it first, because it's new and new AUs are the ones who are secretly hidden" Sci said.

It was true. New AUs are the ones that get to be hidden so that means that no AU or sans can find them at all. It's like a private AU but it's still in the multiverse I never heard of an AU sans named Dragon before, if his name was Dragon then is his AUs name DragonTale?
If it is Dragontale then are dragons there? and I know dragons are really magical they are really strong too. Stronger than a boulder if they can lift or move one. Then if his name was Dragon is he an actual dragon or a skeleton or maybe both? Is he like the others? Will they even trust anyone? Are they great fighters? Nevermind we'll find out later right now we have a sans to kill.

Birds POV:

Classic said we are going to a new AU we have never seen but I told him that new AUs are impossible to find but Classic said he can summon portals to go to new AUs anytime and anywhere it's just he hasn't used it a very long time.
As he summoned the portal we jumped through and saw a whole lot of new AUs.
Man the cycle never stops huh I thought we saw a lot of AUs but most of them were overpowered for some reason and they probably kill us before we get in Classic said to go to the AU he pointed at it had a dragon symbol on it so it's probably a dragon universe.
When we went through we saw so many puzzles and they are so dangerous.
Dropping tiles, swinging axes, fire breathing stone dragons, a long rope, and many more and trust me this place was going to take forever.
But Classic teleports us all the way to the end, what a clever guy I could've fly there but yet again my wings wouldn't work in this gate dimension.
The dimension we were in was called the impossible gates, its what every new AU has, the gates will disappear when they're creator is ready to break the gates but I guess the creator didn't break this one. I wonder what this AUs creator looks like.

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