chapter 10: They found out!

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I'm not dead.
*Cough**cough* s*** not again *cough**cough*.
Anyways someone told me what Stain would look like and that I should draw him and here he is.

Anyways someone told me what Stain would look like and that I should draw him and here he is

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This is him but in ghost form. Sorry I took long I was just seeing if there's any Classic x anyone in any one shots and listening to songs.
Stain's POV:

I have been watching the three skeletons for almost two weeks now.
Classics nightmares are getting even worse and Ganz and Bird are trying to help him, me as a ghost. . . . I just tell him what's going to happen if he makes the choices. I'm also the one that knows the past and the future but I never tell Classic because ghosts are told not to tell alive creatures the past or the future.
Though I do notice that the other sanses are going to have a meeting about what happened that day, so I went to the mansion and listened to what they are going to say.

They all gathered up in the living room and since I am a ghost, I just float around waiting for something to happen.

"Everyone I know you're all scared of what happened two weeks ago and we should stop Classic" Ink said as the other sanses were in fear, frustration, or doing nothing.

"Ugh! Where is Bird and Ganz!!" Yelled Dust throwing the knife at the wall.

"We don't know Dust we don't know" said Nightmare looking down on the ground.

"What if they are with Classic?" Blue said all worried

"If they are. . . Then where are they at?" Fell said about to punch someone in the face.

"Don't worry I have the camera we can use it to spy on them and see what's going on that they are not coming back" Sci said. He was holding a little robot roach with a camera on its face and Sci was carrying a controller to control the robot.

"Great idea Sci you are a genius!" Said Ink excited.

"I know" Sci said back.

I was surprised that he actually created a spy robot but also worried because Classic was more important to him. No one would understand or see a ghost like me even when I'm inside someone's head but when Classic was there I felt like Classic understands me more unlike the others, I felt . . . Safe and comfortable with him. But I also noticed that Classic was being hated and couldn't even get enough sleep because of that. he would cry all day or all night, he would hurt himself or hit himself, he would always agree when a sans is hurting his feelings, and he would always get nightmares and they always get worse. But to make it more worse he would become more aggressive to people and always try to kill himself. his brother tried to help him but the sanses wouldn't let him.

Ganz always comfort him even Bird, they always were the ones to help him, heal him when he's hurt, say these words that always comforts Classic. And I thought that they would be just like the sanses but . . . I was wrong about these two, they care about him they just didn't show it because the sanses might hate and hurt them too and because they wouldn't let them.
If I wasn't a ghost I would be able to help him but . . . I just tell him what happens.

I followed them to a room where there is a huge screen, I guess that's where they'll spy on them.
Sci puts the roach down and turns on the screen controlling it.
The roach went to a little hole outside the building which is going to different universes.
Please don't go to undertale please don't go to undertale I thought but of course the last universe they checked was undertale.
The roach looked in the ruins, Snowdin, waterfalls, everywhere but no sign except they didn't check one last thing. The skelebros house.
The roach went inside hearing voices and crying.

"Hey I think I hear someone" Sci said getting closer to the sounds.

"It's probably them, but what's with all the crying?" Fell asked concerned about what's going on

"Let's check" Sci answered climbing on the walls and into Sans room.

"It's the same like always" Geno grumbled annoyed because Classic wouldn't clean his room

"We all do the same but yeah it is" Killer said.

The roach his downstairs to the living room and saw that Hand is hugging Classic once again along with Bird. Of course Classic had another nightmare and just couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Is that . . . Ganz?" Asked Blue.

"And Bird?" Dust hissed, frustrated by what he saw.

"No . . ." Is what G said.

"But why? Why help him? Why are they doing this to him?" Dream questioned a lot.

"Why are they comforting him?! Why are they with him?! Why is he crying?!" Nightmare yelled.pointing at the screen.

"This is betrayal!" Yelled Geno." We told them to stay away from Classic and not to talk to him and what did they do?! Of course comfort him!

"Ok everyone let's go there and see what we'll do with them two and kill Classic if we must" Ink said.

"But Ink if you kill him everyone will di-" Killer said but was interrupted by Ink.

"I don't care!!" Ink yelled.
"Besides it won't kill us all because Gaster was the one that broke it. So we can live"

Everyone was mad and I was panicking they found out where we are. I ran through the walls and flew back to undertale going inside the house.

"Classic! Classic!" I yelled getting his attention but still has tears

"What?" He thought in his head.

"They know! They know where we are at!" I yelled really panicky

"What?! But how?!"

"Apparently Sci made a roach robot which has a camera to spy on us and they saw you with Ganz and Bird and they were mad. I also heard that they are going there so that's why we have to leave! now!"

I saw that the roach was already gone and Classic told Ganz and Bird what happening. Ganz and Bird are confused but shocked too. They can't let Classic get hurt by them.

"Classic if they find us we will never let go of you. If they want to kill you they are going to have to kill us" Ganz said.

"B-but I don't don't want you to die i should do i-" Classic in tears getting interrupted.

"Listen to me" Ganz said with a serious face looking at Classic straight at the eyes. "You are more important to us and we can't let anyone hurt you again, not after what happened. They will kill you the moment they see you again and we will not let that happen. We will sacrifice ourselves to save your life. Don't worry about us just worry about yourself and your brother if he still loves you as a brother. We'll be safe I promise" Ganz hugged him while Classic is crying a lot of tears like a waterfall. Bird hugs him too comforting Classic again.

I hope we will be safe, I hope everything will be okay, I hope we will find proof that he isn't a monster, I hope we will have a happy ending. Because we only have one chance, one try, one life. And if we waste it. Game Over.

If only Dragon were here to tell me that everything will be fine and that I should follow my heart or whatever he says but of course he has his own problems.
It's my duty to protect Classic and make sure he's safe. And I cant lose him this time. Not after what happened when I was in someone's head they died and I failed them. But this time. I will not fail again.

Words: 1338

Phew that was a lot of writing.

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