The Homesick

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Airship Dock

"Wen Junhui, you better get over here right now before I leave you behind!" Jun's Father yelled at him and he just rolled his eyes at his elder.

They were currently boarding an Airship and he was struggling to get all of his Belongings onto the said ship, his Cousins giving him questioning looks.

"Since when did you had that much stuff on you?" One of the Twins asked, tapping a certain Crate with his feet. Jun immediately pushed him away from it, panic written all over his features. "Woah, sorry man." His Cousin stepped away and helped his Uncle load the rest of their Belongings on to the ship.

"Please, do not touch my belongings. Some of them are highly breakable." Jun never acted that way with his stuff and his Mother was getting suspicious about it

"What are you hiding, Wen Junhui?" He jumped at his Mothers voice and covered the Crate with a blanket only to fail when the blanket flew off from it. His Mother raised a brow at him, her handfan tapping the Crate, examining it.

"Mother, it's nothing really. There are just boy stuff in there that I recently got and I-" His words were cut off short when the Crate started to shake, his Mother immediately shooting him a glare. Jun rubbed his nape, embarrassed that he got found out.

" You did not go back there to get that feral Cat, did you?" The boy didn't even need to answer his Mother when a loud hissing sound came from the Crate and the Claws of the said Cat peeking through the little holes it had for breathing purposes, probably trying to get out of its convines.

"Mother, the Cat reminds me of Grandma's Cat from back Home. Please let me keep him." He literally went down onto his knees and begged his Mother, his eyes slightly welling up with tears so that he could convince her. His Mother rubbed her temples, already sensing the people around them looking at her.

"Okay okay, you can keep him but please stop the acting and wipe those fake tears away. We have to board the ship now, hurry up." Jun jumped in joy, his face lighting up like the sun and he helped the worker to carry the crate up in to his own chamber.

"We are going to be on this Airship for a while, don't mess around with the workers or the maids like you did last time. Behave for once children." His Father gave him and his little brother a warning glare but replaced it with a smile and a wink when his mother had turned to walk away.

They both looked at each other and giggled to themselves, their Father slowly closing the door of their Chamber to go and chase his wife down the hallway.

"What are we going to do now? Gege, I am already bored." His brother started to cling to him, his arm being pulled down by the shorter one.

Junhui was thinking, he can't pull pranks right after they got warned so maybe visiting the kitchen and getting them snacks to eat would be a better idea.

"How about we get some snacks?" He asked the younger one and the childs eyes lit up in an instant.

"We can prank whoever we meet on the way there too." His brother giggled, his hands rubbing together at the idea and Junhui shook his head at him, opening the door to leave.

"You do it alone then. I am not going to get in trouble now."

Just where did he get that mischievous character trait from? If he had it, one of his parents must have it too. He sighed as he looked at his brother pranking a poor maid. She was literally walking around the corner and his brother had scared her out of her shoes while he started to giggle at his success.

Junhui walked by the poor woman and bowed to her as a quiet apology.

"If Mother finds out about it, you are done for. You know that right?" They had to at least spent four days on the ship to get to their destination and he was already getting home sick eventhough they had just lifted off from the docking station.

"Nah. She won't know. At least I hope so..." He heard him mumble the last bit and had to smile at the youngers cuteness.

"By the way, doesn't the Cat needs to eat something too? Are you going to keep him in there forever?" He watched as his brother skipped into the kitchen, the workers in there greeting the both of them, some of them pulling out chairs and silverware for them to use before resuming with their initial work.

" I don't know. I was hoping to let him out soon but he had been anxious ever since we boarded the ship and he might attack us if we are not careful enough. I wish grandpa was here with us, he would have known how to tame the cat faster." The Chefs in the kitchen settled out some plates and bowls for them before a maid had poured two cups of tea for them to enjoy.

"I miss grandpa and grandma. Why did we have to leave home? Wasn't it fine the way it was? Did something happen?" Junhui sighs and pats his brother on the back, handing him a cookie to eat.

The Move was definitely very sudden but the reason for the move was because of his acceptance into the Kingdom to train as a Knight and his father immediately agreed to just leave everything behind and start a new life over there, whilst his mother was more reluctant to go. She had to leave her Parents afterall. Which the both of them didn't mind but letting go of your grandchildren was harder for them than to let go of their own daughter.

Junhui had always studied at home and had seeked out for other things in life. More fun things to do than to study all the time, to go out, make friends, have fun and enjoy life but he was an odd ball with a quirky personality which some people around him find too strange to handle. They were all too stuck up and he was way too nice for them to play with.

Now he was hoping that becoming a knight and leaving his home for that would bring him some more fun and joy in his life. Maybe make some friends along the way too.


If you can not tell by the way I tell the story, the years in which they happen are all mixed up and thus making their ages unmatching to each other. They all go by their IRL age order but... for the story telling its mixed up and kind of confusing because here Junhui is around 15 to 16 years old and Soonyoung the chapter before was 13. Just to clear up some confusion, no the years are not the same in which their events happen.

Thanks for reading and I hope you read my other Stories too, bye Carats <3

Thanks for reading and I hope you read my other Stories too, bye Carats <3

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Hate me all you want, the gif still exist muahahahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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