The Prince

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The Castle Grounds

"My dear Prince, you shall not dirty your new Attire again." The Maid frantically trying to get a hold of the young Prince.

"You worry too much, Adel." He proceeds to water the flowers of the garden. "Those are my flowers and I have to take care of them." The Prince was young and naive, being only ten at that time and he always wanted to do other deed which haven't been really done by his other royal comrades yet.

A boy as sweet as Sugar, a smile as bright as the Sun and a kindness which had everyone to their knees. This was the Crown Prince, Lee Seokmin. A Son of King Arthur's bloodline. Someone worthy of the throne yet too young to have one.

"Don't you think the Flowers look beautiful under the sunlight?" Seokmin turns around with the brightest smile on his face, his maids already melting away by the young boy's sweetness. "They almost look like glistening jewels. When they are fully bloomed, I should gift them to Mother." He caressed the petals of the emerald coloured flower.

He is the light of this very Kingdom, a ray of sunshine some say. And some say he is the future saviour of this very Land.

"Prince! It's time for your daily practice's." A Knight came to pick the young lad up and tossed him his training Sword over to which the boy clumsily grabbed at.

"You still have a long way to go. But your skill's are getting better each time, so don't give up and wipe that pout off of your face." Seokmin literally wiped the pout off of his face and smiled his bright smile again. The Knight holding out his hand for the Prince to take and helped him up onto the horse.

"Sir, William. You sure do know how to impress Woman though." Seokmin blurted out and William almost choked on his saliva. "What makes you think so, young Prince?" He smoothed the boy's hair down after the little horse ride to their practice area. "Well, the maids were deeply impressed by your cool appearance. Is there someone that might have caught your attention? I could..."
"We should start now." William cut Seokmin's words short, feeling the emberassment welling up, his ears heating up yet his face stone cold.

"Stop teasing Sir Williams and just get into your Armor already!" Someone from the sidelines screamed at him and Seokmin rubbed the back of his neck his laugh echoing through the grounds and making the other Knights smile.

"Father, are you going to join us today?" He looks up at him, eyes pleading the elder to stay. His Father let out a loud laugh, clearly amused by his Son's antics. Seokmin is his only Child, his Queen no longer able to give birth to another Child after him. He had always been very protective over him and treated him dearly. Seokmin wasn't born healthy, nor was he raised to be the child that he is now. All thanks to the Queen's pleas to the holy Spirits of prosperty and the love she has for her only child, did the boy survive, but it also took what was given.

"Father! Why are you going so hard on me?" The Prince asked, running away from his Father who was chasing after him with his Sword raised. "Have mercy on me! I am not skilled yet!" the boy dropped to his knees, hands up high in surrender.

"Stand up, Prince. A future King never goes down onto his knees unless its for the woman you love." His fathers sword pointed at his throat. "What will you do on the Battlegrounds? Beg for mercy and leave the Kingdom alone?" His Father pushed him into the Circle of Knights, everyone pointing their Swords at him. "This is not what a King should do." He throws a Sword to his Son, his very own also pointed at him. "A King will fight till death."

Seokmin swallows, his hands gripping his sword tightly, his breathing shallow. His Father is doting on him and he doesn't want to dissappoint, yet he knew that his strength and his speed was no match to the ones of the Knights. His skills weren't even half as perfect as the other Knight's and Soldier's of his age. They were much stronger and quicker than he was and he would always get upset about it, mumbling it out on his Mother's lap. "I can do it. Believe in yourself, Seokmin." He whispered to himself, reenacting all the possibility's in his head.

He could see William taking small steps towards him, his sword ready to swing at the young boy. Seokmin took a long step back, dodging the swing and pulled his opponent closer to him by the arm, elbowing William in the Gut. William taken aback by the Prince's new found bravery took a few steps back, a hand clutching his stomach.

"He is learning quick. Maybe it's because his Father is here."

The King chukled, watching his Son fight off all of the Knights, now his Sword pointed at his Father's face.

"This is how the future King should fight."


A short glimpse into the daily life of Lee Seokmin, I mean Prince Lee? King Arthur? I dunno man.

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