Rvb S11 E19 "Lost But Not Forgotten"

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Kimball: Are they as good as we hoped?

Felix: I think so. Either that or they're just really lucky.

Kimball: Well they probably don't feel very lucky.

Kimball leaves the room.

Mess Hall
Outside of the closed mess hall, Tucker, Zeta, Caboose, Grif, and Simmons are standing in front of the door.

Zeta: It's a small rebel army, Grif.

Grif: It's poor customer service.

Tucker: Dude, you were fucking eating everything in there!

Grif: I'm an emotional eater! What can I say?

Leo comes walking up to them.

Caboose: Leo?

Leo: Hey Caboose.

Grif: Sup.

Tucker: How you feeling?

Leo: (Sighs) Like complete shit. Do, you guys know what's going on?

Zeta: Well, after you were knocked out, we were taken to this huge cave somewhere beneath the jungle.

Tucker: Still can't believe these guys live in a cave.

Simmons: They're rebels! Of course they live in a cave! It's hidden.

Grif: Nah, I'm with Tucker. I was expecting some badass snow base or something.

Simmons: What? Why?

Grif: That's what they had in Star Wars!

Simmons: How is that even relevant?

Grif: Tell me this is not just like Star Wars. Tell me.

Caboose: Tucker does have a glowing sword...

Grif: Tucker has a glowing sword, Simmons!

Leo: Are we really all that made it?

The six of them sadly lower their heads.

Tucker: This is bullshit I tell you.

Zeta: Yeah...

Tucker: How are handling it so, far Zeta?

Zeta: Honestly Tucker, devastated. I... I didn't want to leave him and now, I might never see him again. Dammit, why didn't I just drag him!

Leo: Hey it'll be alright, we just have to have faith.

On top of a boulder behind the group, Felix emerges from above and looks down at the group.

Felix: Hey, something's come up. Follow me.

Two Republic soldiers watch Leo, Simmons, Caboose, Grif, Zeta and Tucker follow Felix from a distance.

Republic Soldier 1: Dude, I'm telling you, it's them!

Republic Soldier 2: Woah, maybe we're not fucked.

Main Base
Kimball speaking with the Reds and Blues who're all lined up in front of Kimball.

Kimball: Michael Caboose, Leo Church, Dexter Grif, Richard Simmons, Zeta and Lavernius Tucker. The six of you have traveled great distances, retrieved ancient artifacts, brought corrupt men to justice, and bested the most dangerous war criminals this galaxy has ever known. And now it seems fate has brought you to our doorstep.

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