Rvb S11 E17 "Ready...Aim..."

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Lopez 2.0 looks at Lopez's head and then back at Sarge.

Lopez 2.0: >Are you fucking serious?<

Sarge: I need you two to get to work repairing CC's fuel tanks.

Lopez: >Repair the malfunctioning robot?<

Lopez 2.0: >The one that tried to kill everyone?<

Sarge: I can't wait to see her, triumphantly leading the charge on the front lines, glistening in the sunlight, with the blood of her fallen enemies!

Lopez 2.0: >That will be your blood! She thinks everything is her enemy, you moron!<

Sarge: Wait a minute, this is a terrible idea!

Lopez 2.0: >Oh thank god.<

Lopez: >Just wait.<

Sarge: I can't trust an idiotic robot with a job as important as this!

Lopez: >There it is.<

Lopez 2.0: >EXCUSE ME!?<

Sarge: Change of plans. You two go prep the work station, and then wait for me to arrive to do the job myself. I'm gonna go find my favorite welding torch.

Sarge walks off, leaving Lopez and Lopez 2.0 alone.

Lopez 2.0: >...He's insane.They're all insane.<

Lopez: >Hey, where's Doc?<

Blue Base
Outside of Blue Base, Wade and Zeta are setting up some sandbag covers. Zeta walks over to one of the covers and places a sandbag on it.

Zeta: There that's two done.

Wade comes over and holding two sandbags under his arms.

Wade: Nice work there, Zeta. How many do we have left to make?

Zeta: As many as we can make, Wash said.

Wade dumps the sand bags on the ground.

Wade: Oh, so until we just run out of sandbags?

Zeta: Yeah, why?

Wade: It's just there's a lot of dirt and sand around, we might be making a mountain of this.

Zeta: I guess so?

Wade: Are you sure he didn't say anything about a limit or anything?

Zeta: Why don't we just keep making them, until he yells at us to stop... or we dig up the entire ground up.

Tucker: God it sounds like I'm listening to a reality TV show about 100 ways to kill the earth.

Tucker is nearby the two, trying to fix Cabooses helmet.

Wade: How's Cabooses helmet coming along?

Tucker: I think I almost got it.

Tucker connects two wires together that make a electric sound and takes a step back from Caboose.

Tucker: Okay, how's that?

Caboose: Nope. Still can't see anything.

Tucker: Open your eyes.

Caboose: Oh my god, the graphics are incredible!

Tucker: You're welcome.

Caboose: Ah, thanks, Tucker. Ah... Ya 'know we may have had our differences in the past. I have called you stupid... You have called me stupid... I have tried to kill you...

Red vs Blue Season 11: Male OcHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin