Rvb S11 E15 "Neighborhood Watch"

Start from the beginning

Wash: Caboose!

Inside of Blue Base, Caboose comes walking out onto the balcony.

Caboose: Hello!

Wash: Your pet is trying to kill me!

Caboose: What? That does not sound like Freck... Hey Freckles, Freckles what are you doing?

Freckles: {Agent Washington has failed to meet the minimum requirement of Blue Team service and is no longer fit for duty. He must be eliminated.}

Caboose: See, he's just doing what he just said.

Wash: Caboose, please come here, I need to talk to you!

Caboose: Agh, probably wants to talk about what an awesome leader I am.

Caboose heads back into the base as Wash and Freckles quietly wait for him. There's an awkward silence as Wash let's out a cough. Caboose comes running out the base and stands besides Freckles.

Caboose: Yes, hello, what seems to be the problem Agent Washington?

Wash lowers his weapon and looks at Caboose. He then turns to look up at Blue Base's balcony where Tucker, Wade and Zeta are standing and watching. He takes in a deep breath, before looking back at Caboose.

Wash: I'm sorry Caboose. I'm sorry your best friend left you without saying goodbye. Maybe he thought you would try and stop him or maybe it was too hard for him to tell you but, no matter the reason, he's still gone. He left you,-

Wash stares up at Wade, Zeta and Tucker.

Wash: -all four of you. I don't really do emotional things and I hoped you might have been able to get over this by yourselves so I left you alone, and instead of coming to terms with what you lost, you replaced it with, well, the first thing you found. But I should have been there for you Caboose because, that's what friends do for each other...

Freckles: {Captain Caboose is not your friend, he is your commanding-}

Caboose: Uh, no we're all friends here Freckles, it's, you know.

Wash: That's right, and as your friend I want to say that I'm sorry. I know it's not much, I made you this.

Wash reaches behind him and pulls out a blue Mark V helmet in his hands.

Caboose: Oh my god! My old helmet!

Caboose runs over to Wash and stares at it like a child in a candy store.

Freckles: {Captain Caboose, you should return to your duties.}

Wash: I know you really like Freckles, Caboose.  But you have to understand that he's very dangerous. He's not a puppy anymore... A kitten? Or... He's really big.

Caboose: Yeeaah... He blew up a car.

Wash: I remember that.

Caboose turns around and approaches Freckles.

Caboose: Freckles, you- you're one of the best machines I know. And that is saying something because I have been friends with a lot of machines. But... From now on, I think you should listen to Agent Washington.

Freckles: {Are you sure?}

Caboose: Yeah, yeah he's very smart and really nice.

Freckles: {...Acknowledged.}

Caboose: You can be leader again if you want to, Wash. It's... It's not as much fun as it looks. I think I'm more like the dashing second in command kind of person. Y"know, all the perks no work.

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