Rvb S11 E13 "+1 Followers"

Start from the beginning

Wade: Revolutionary? But weren't the first social media sites made hundreds of years ago?

Tucker: And there are no friends in this canyon. Only forced acquaintances.

Simmons: Yeah, but those old sites just turned into amogarations of attention whores. Nothing but teenagers who wanted to prove they were cool and old people who wanted to prove they were still relevant.

Wade: So what's the whole point of Basebook?

Simmons: Oh, y'know. Just wanna keep in touch with my friends on the Red team while I'm your prisoner. Can't let them forget about Ol' Simmons! Ha ha he, huh ha ha he, (crying)

Wash: Well... I'm glad you spent your time in captivity on something meaningful.

Tucker: So you made it. What now?

Simmons: Well, let's see what Sarge is up to.

Simmons turns back to the computer and searches for any sign of Sarge profile.

Simmons: Uh huh. Hmm. Hasn't set up his profile yet... That's cool. Umm I'll just wait for an update. He has to have an update.Yeah I'm sure It'll come eventually. Huh Updates. He he ha, he he...

Wash: Ya'know... Maybe you should go outside for a bit, Simmons. I'm sure Caboose wouldn't mind if you got some fresh air.

Simmons: No no. It's cool. I'll just save Sarge some time and... Make a profile for him! Yeah. That'll be fun. And I'll do a post about it. Just so he knows...

Tucker: ...Hope you like the new Blue team, Wash. Really worked your magic.

Tucker walks away leaving Wash, Wade and Simmons alone.

Caboose: (Distance) Ugh, Okay!

Wash hearing Caboose, walks over to the edge and looks outside, seeing Caboose sitting on top of Freckles machine gun arm and Freckles who's posing in his sombrero. Zeta is standing in front of them both.

Caboose: 'Kay! Okay did it! Zeta! Can you get my camera! And hurry please!

Zeta: Where did you leave the camera?

Caboose: Uhh.. probably in the bathroom.

Zeta: Where you taking pictures of yourself again?

Caboose: ...perhaps.

Zeta: I'm just going to assume that's a yes, just don't move got it. And I might just hang this picture up on the fridge, if you behave!

Zeta walks away into the base as Caboose gasp.

Caboose: You hear that Freckles! Do not move no matter what!

Freckles: {Holding position.}

Caboose:  Oh my god this is gonna be so cute!

Back to Wash in the base with Simmons in the background.

Simmons: Hey Wash, Wade. Could one of you's take a picture and then tag me in it? He he, 'cause if I do it myself I'll just look like one of those losers.

Wash just let's out a tired sigh as Wade starts walking away.

Wade: Just take a selfie, that's what everyone else does!

Red Base
A crash is heard outside the base, Donut comes running out of the side door aiming his magnum at any intruders.

Donut: Alright! Spread 'em!

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