"I'll go show the guys this layout, sir," the worker nods and heads over to the rest of the crew.

"Great job you're doing, and It's only been a few weeks," I smile.
"Well, we're doing our best with this one. How are you though?" His gaze has my heart beating really fast, but I'm a strong woman, I can control myself.

Of course you can, Imani...

"I'm... great," I shake my head, and he archs a brow at me.

Convinced much?

A car roars behind us and my lips are in a hard line. Pete jumps out and smiles as he closes the door, a bunch of roses in hand.

"Good afternoon," Pete grins at us, "For you, Happy Valentine's, my lady,"

My eyes bulge and I'm honestly about to loose my sanity with this man.

"Imani," Pete coos.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Christian asks.
"Mr Van Buren, Pete Van Buren. I'm from Khale as well,and Ms Yané's co-worker slash friend,"

"Pete, cut the crap," my shoulders droop.
"I'm only here to express my interest in today's celebration since everyone else is doing the same," he smiles nonchalantly.

I tug the shoulder of his jumper and drag him to his car.

"What the hell?! First you snoop around my mail, now you follow me to projects with freaking roses?!" I stomp the ground at the last word.
"Easy there, Imani. This project required two reps from Khale, and you decided to work on it alone,"
"I made a request to tackle it alone because nobody headed it, Pete. Where were you when I submitted proposals with my team,huh? Or when I single-handedly delegated tasks to find contractors after my proposal was considered ? You can't just come here and claim a spot," I glance at the site and noticed Christian walk away to his car.

"You're an asshole, Pete," I sigh and run after Christian.

"Christian, wait!" I follow him to his truck.
"Yes?" his face is cold as he glares at Pete entering his car.
"Look at me,"
"Yes," he turns to me, "What?"

"Are you okay?" His eyes are lowered and he bites his inner cheek.
"Please say something other than, Yes,"

"Like what?" he squints.
"I don't know... Yes, Imani?"
"You two work together?" He turns back in Pete's direction.
"We do,but what you witnessed is just him trying his luck with me, and it's failing because I don't want him," I explain.

"I see," his eyes narrowed before opening the door, " Well, I'll be off for lunch. The crew will be done as well, I think you're done supervising, yes?"

"I thought we'd be going over the layout after lunch? What you were showing that man earlier?" I scowl.
"It'll be sent to you via email I guess,"

"Damnit, Christian! What are you doing?!" I curse with frustration.

He stays quiet and looks to his side.

"Look at me,"
"Imani, I have to get lunch. You should do the same," he enters his truck and reverses into the main road.

My hands fall on my sides as I watch him drive of, returning to Pete's car.

"Open the damn door!" I fist it.
"You know, now I see where all the love and affection in you has gone to... It's him, isn't it?"
"That's non of your gottdamn business, Pete. This is a working space and for you to just come here unannounced, with a bunch of roses is uncalled for," I grit my teeth.

"I'll be sure to find a peace offering, next time,"
"There is no next time. I can't believe you'd decide to involve yourself in this project out of the blue. What, you thought us working together would spark things somehow?" I am fuming right now.

"Maybe- no, I don't know. I know him, and I figured I deserve to rub shoulders with him as much as you do," he explains.

"And the roses?"
"It's Valentine's day, for goodness sake!"
"You know I don't celebrate this shit," I growl and march to my car.

I don't celebrate this stupid day, but I must admit, I expected a little bit of change now that I have Christian in the picture . Pete just ruined this with his stunt and suddenly Valentine's matters.

The day ends like any other normal day, minus Christian too. I drove myself home, entered the house and got drunk over tubs of frozen yoghurt.

Happy Valentine's Day.

× × ×

"Hey,Imani! You weren't responding to any of my calls so I decided I'd voicemail eitherway. I hope your Valentine's went splendid,mh! You'll tell Hannah and I tomorrow evening because it's girl's night! Later girl!"

"Ima, I've been trying to call you and you're not picking up, you haven't seen my pictures? I sent from Noni too, and James said you didn't go out with him? What kind of behavior are you trying to display that side, Imani, huh?! Call me or else I'll find my own answers,"

"Imani, it's Noni. Mum said you weren't responding to her texts and not picking up her calls so I'm just here to mediate. Please stop acting dramatic and pick up,"

I walk to the bathroom sink and stare at my reflection. All I want to do is continue with my life like Christian never existed.

Maybe he got the wrong idea when Pete was doing his little performance. But eitherway, he can't preach about me opening up to him when he conceals how he felt from me.


I felt my heart sinking as I lathered myself, with hopes that the hot water would ease my tense muscles. Guess I've reached the lows of a relationship, pathetic.

Once I reach the office, work is all I decide to focus on. I decline all calls from Logan, asking Wendy to take care of them on my behalf.

"Ms Yané," she knocks softly.
"Mr Van Buren wants to see you,"
"I'm busy,"
"I told him so bu-"

Pete walks past Wendy and towards my desk when I spring up from my seat.

"Please excuse us, Wendy," I nod.
"Before you lash out," he stops me, "I'm just here to apologise for yesterday. It was immature of me, and I know I shouldn't have pushed your buttons in an office space,"

How thoughtful of you to apologise when the damage is done.

"It's okay. You can go," I respond calmly.
"Um... That's all?"
"If you don't want me to loose my shit in the office Pete, I suggest you accept that I'm okay with it and leave," I look at him straight in the eye.

"Okay. Fine," he walks backwards and turns to the door, "I just want you to know that I have an awkward way of expressing how much I care. I'm sorry I did it in that fashion yesterday," and with that, he's gone.

I sit down slowly and let out a deep sigh.

Month of love, my ass.

Please tell me how this chapter went🙌🏾 And don't forget to vote and comment on it.
Much appreciated ♥️♥️

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