"You're all talk!" Rouge barked as a vein popped up from her head. 

"Shadow." Eggman's voice spoke again from the communicator. "Return to the ship immediately. We'll deal with the Chaos Emeralds some other time."

"Roger. I'll return immediately." Shadow said before starting to walk away from you and Rouge.

"What about the Chaos Emeralds?!" Rouge asked.

"Shadow!" You called and ran after the black and red hedgehog however you were interrupted by your communicator vibrating meaning that you had received a call to which you answered and Amy's panicked voice spoke.

"Help, Y/N! It's Sonic! Sonic is going to lose! He's going to be killed!" 

"What?!" You gasped, feeling shocked upon hearing that you strong boyfriends was struggling. 

Suddenly, the fortress started shaking and you looked outside to see the many ships that belonged to Red Pine shooting at you. The three of you made a run for it with Shadow being in front of you and Rouge.

"Shadow!" You called for him. "Do you really think you can escape by yourself?" 

"That's right! Even Sonic is having a tough battle!" Rouge added. 

"Doctor makes all the decisions." Shadow answered. 

"Why do you keep following Eggman's orders? He's only using you for God's sake!" You asked him. Rouge flew ahead of you and Shadow and stopped in front of him, stopping him from running. 

"That's right." Rouge agreed. "Do you really think that Eggman is going to give your memory back? Eggman may not have the key to your memories to begin with!"

"Shadow... Please help us." You pleaded. 

"Why should I?" Shadow asked in a low voice, looking into your E/C eyes.

"No reason. We just need your help." Your replied which made him scoff and turn away from you before grabbing Rouge and calling Chaos Control. You reacted quickly and leaped towards the two as the Emerald flashed, teleporting you along with Rouge and Shadow to Eggman's ship. You landed on your side on the cold hard ground of his ship which made you let out a loud groan as you gripped your side. 

"You brought along an extra." Eggman commented.

"Oh hey Eggman, good to see you, long time no see." You slyly greeted. 

"Tryna be smart and witty eh? You always hung out with Sonic, but I never thought you would come to this world. Did you beg your grandpa to build you a teleporter?" Eggman taunted as you slowly got up.

"Actually, Chris built it after 6 long years and we travelled together." You answered.

"So your bratty cousin tagged along."

"He's matured now and so have I."

"Then why are you so small?"

"I may be small but I'm tougher than I was when you met me." You said before throwing a flash bomb, grabbed the two Chaos Emeralds that were next to Eggman's seat and ran out of the bridge to the parking area where some of Eggman's smaller ships were help. You smirked and hopped inside one. You turned it on and flew away from the ship and into the fortress, passing all the obstacles with ease until you were in a long hallway. You noticed Shadow running up behind you and threw electric changes at your ship. With that, the glass in front of you broke and a shard of it pierced through your stomach at the same area where the arrow shot you last time. You screamed in pain as you tumbled from your seat and onto the ground. With the two Chaos Emeralds safe in your pockets, you ripped the shard from your stomach, got up and walked forwards, not daring to look back. At that moment, you felt yourself being lifted up and you looked to see Rouge had given you a lift. A drop was seen at the end of the hallway where you were heading to and she flew you downwards through the dark vertical tunnel that had a really long drop. 

"After this mess is sorted out, will you let me have the Chaos Emeralds?" Rouge asked.

"No can do." You replied and she huffed out, shrugging before letting you go, dropping you. 

You screamed as the rush of air blew on your face and through you hair however your fall was stopped as someone grabbed your hand. You looked up to see Knuckles holding himself with the Tornado's seatbelt on a ledge of the tunnel. You smiled upon seeing a friendly face however a sharp pain interrupted your moment of joy as blood was pouring from your stomach. Knuckles pulled you up but then shrieked upon seeing your wound. 

"What the hell happened?!" He asked

"Good to see you too buddy." You replied before sitting on the seat of the plane. Before starting it, you ripped off both of the sleeves on your jumpsuit and wrapped them around your stomach to at least minimize the loss of blood even though your bottom half was pretty much drenched in your blood. You started the engine, looked at Shadow dead in the eye and finally flew upwards of the tunnel that finally lead to the main room where the rest of your team was along with the rest of the Chaos Emeralds.

"Sonic!" You called before throwing the two Emeralds you had towards him. 

Shadow ran up behind the plane and attempted to grab the emeralds however a bright yellow light appeared as all seven Chaos Emeralds were gathered and turned both hedgehogs yellow. The two glared at each other and Sonic shot electric shocks towards the multiple Metarexes that surrounded him. Shadow launched towards him but he dodged and made his way towards you.

"You can't seem to stay away from getting hurt, can you?" Sonic commented before placing his hands on your wound and a warm energy enveloped you, making the pain go away. Sonic placed his forehead against yours and whispered: "Rest, Y/N." At that moment, a wave of tiredness hit you hard and your eyes closed as you drifted off to sleep. 

A white ceiling blinded you as you opened your E/C eyes. You looked around and saw you were back in the nursery room of the ship with a large bandage wrapped around your stomach and you were only dressed in your sports bra and underwear. You felt your hand being held by a warm one and you looked down to see Sonic sleeping with his head on the side of your head and holding your hand. You smiled warmly at your boyfriend; he was so caring and he was always there for you. You rubbed your thumb against his gloved hand which seemingly awoke him from his slumber. Your eyes met and he smiled at you.

"How're you feeling Princess?" He asked.

"Sore but okay." You replied. "What did you do back there?"

"I healed whatever I could, mostly the exterior part of your wound. As for the interior, that will take time despite my abilities." 

"Thank you. I'm sorry for making you do all these things for me, for making you worry." You apologized and he quickly kissed your lips. 

"Honey, you always manage to prove to me that you're a tough nut to crack so I don't worry as much. You're strong, Y/N, I know that and I know you can do a lot of amazing things such as surviving two fatal blows. I believe in you." He said with a kind smile. "Though could you do me a favor?"


"Would you be okay with laying low for a while? At least until you've fully recovered?" He asked, taking your hands in his and squeezing them lightly, emphasizing on what he meant. He loved you, he didn't want you to keep getting yourself hurt, especially when you were already in a bad shape. You nodded and he kissed your forehead. "That's my girl." He said and you giggled. 

Sonic climbed onto the bed and lay next to you with his head against your chest, hearing your slow heartbeats which calmed him. You smiled and ran your hands through his quills, kissing his head in the process. Moments like these were so calming in your action-packed life and you wish you had more of this however you are all in a time of war and you all will have to fight until it's all over. Then, when it's over, these moments will hopefully become for frequent. 

Until then, you will have to keep fighting and getting stronger.   

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