Dating 2p! Prussia would include...

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- Dating Gilen would be a bit challenging at first; it would take him a while to get comfortable in the relationship and even then he'd still be shy and insecure

- This boy needs *constant* reassurance; he never feels like he's good enough for you and has an insurmountable fear that you'll find someone better than him

-cuddling  After he gets comfortable in a relationship, he will never 👏 let 👏 go 👏 of 👏 you. He loves physical contact as long as he initiates it, preferably if it's hugging or cuddling because he's more of a graysexual and has little to no interest in intimate "things".

-dates  He will always schedule dates several days ahead because he likes having time to plan and doesn't like spontaneity much, especially if you have a busy schedule. Dates tend to include coffee/tea dates, library dates, study dates, and movie nights.

-arguments  are slim to none with Gilen because most disagreements would end with Gilen apologizing and you reassuring him

Pretty short but I've been working and I have quite a few chapters in the works that I'll publish soon

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