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The darkness of Gotham City hung over the city like an overbearing cloud. It didn't lift, nor did it shift. The shadows clung to everything. Any piece of light was quickly snatched away. The moon sneaked out from behind a dark cloud. The silver light pierced through the darkness, and for a split second, there was a light in the darkness. The light travelled through the city and graced over a ceiling window. The panes of glass glittered almost from the light and the dew on its surface.

"So, let me get this right." A tall man said slowly while looking up at the window above him. The moonlight stayed for a mere few seconds before moving on. "You bypass all of the guards, knock them out even. Then burst in here while I'm in a meeting, for what?" The man reached out and fisted his hand in the mess of dark curls in front of him. Lifting his hand up caused the curls to shift. Lensed eyes glared at him. "Still not talking, eh?" He smirked. "That's fine. I have ways of getting you to talk, to sing and to scream."

"I'm not the problem." The woman said simply. This earned her a confused look. Sighing and managing to shift her head from side to side, ignoring the grip on her hair, she happily clicked her neck. "Much better!" She grinned, "Now see here, Mr Spencer. I know what a naughty man you are. I've seen you on the news. What is it you're into? Oh! Drug smuggling and organised crime. Yet you're not with a gang which has annoyed the crime lords of this city." Pausing she smiled. "There's a large amount of money for your capture."

"So what? You're here for the bounty?"

"Nah," she pouted. "You see...have you noticed how the lights have gone out?" Mr Spencer pushed her away from himself and looked at the lamp on the table. Sure enough it was out. Looking back to the woman, who was smiling and seemingly humming to herself, he looked up. The light which was in the room wasn't from the lights in here, it was from the moon which had reappeared again.

"You're behind the power cuts which have been happening in the city for the past months?"

"Me? Ha! That's laughable." The woman paused. "Although I do know how to cut the power from buildings. Even one shabby warehouse like this." She looked up at the beamed ceiling. "To be honest, I'm the decoy. The real trouble isn't me, it's him." The woman nodded towards the wall.

Mr Spencer stiffened. "You."

Standing casually leaning against the wall with his arms crossed was a man. Where the face was, a mask resided instead. Behind the mask piercing blue eyes stared in his direction. Uncrossing his arms the man walked over, slowly, each step seemed to take an eternity until they were face to face. Flexing fingers which were syringes quickly pointed at the woman. "Did you harm her?"

"N-no." Mr Spencer struggled to say through a dry throat. "You're meant to be dead!"

"Am I not?"

"No! We already established this. If I remember I gave you a few good hits to make sure." The woman rambled.

The sack faced man looked thoughtfully up at the ceiling. "Oh, yes. I remember."

Mr Spencer looked from one to the other, seeing how their attention was on each other, he made his getaway. "Escapee alert!" The woman exclaimed.

"You can get up now, Willow."

"Cool! Pretending to still be tied to a chair was starting to get boring!" Willow said while jumping up from the chair. No sooner had Mr Spencer tied the rope around her hands and stepped away, she was already taking to freeing herself. Willow ran forward with surprising speed and jumped towards Mr Spencer just as he reached the double doors to the exit corridor. The elder man screamed as she collided with him. "All right, maybe I lied. I'm trouble too." Willow grinned just as the sack faced man joined her side.

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